The dignified little statue of Our Lady trampling the snake will wonderfully highlight the beauty of any interior or garden. It is made from high quality concrete and is resistant to most weather conditions. A perfect decoration for a rectory, sacristy, church or domestic place of worship.
Wygląd towaru wykonanego z betonu architektonicznego może nieznacznie różnić się od tego prezentowanego na zdjęciach - specyfikacja techniczna produktów pochodzi od producentów, każdy produkt jest wykonywany na zamówienie oraz patynowany ręcznie w celu podkreślenia szczegółów postaci.
Data sheet
A beautiful, subtle figure of the Virgin Mary that highlights the beauty of any church interior. It was made of high-quality, weather-resistant architectural concrete and rubbed in with a gray patina to highlight the shapes. The figure can decorate a church square, a garden, a rectory, a sacristy, a church or a monastery.
Stojący diakon z winogronami nada każdemu zielonemu zakątkowi wyjątkowy charakter. Figurka męczennika wykonana jest z wysokiej klasy białego betonu architektonicznego, odpornego na wszelkie warunki atmosferyczne takie jak deszcz, słońce czy mróz. Dodatkowo jest patynowana w celu podkreślenia kształtów postaci. Oryginalna dekoracja dla przydomowego ogrodu, przestrzeni użyteczności publicznej,parków
A sleeping angel with large wings, on an elegant base - it can be the main decoration of a garden, terrace or interior - or just a detail. The large-sized figurine is made of high-class architectural concrete, rubbed with a gray patina to emphasize the figure's shapes. The figure is resistant to most weather conditions.
A wonderful, subtle figure of the Mother of God that will emphasize the beauty of any church interior or chapel. It is made of high-quality concrete, rubbed with a gray patina to emphasize the shapes of the figure. The figure is resistant to all weather conditions, it can be a decoration of a church square or garden. It can be used as a decoration for a rectory, sacristy, church, or monastery.
Duża stojąca rzeźba diakona Wincentego z Saragossy nada każdemu zielonemu zakątkowi wyjątkowego charakteru. Figurka męczennika Kościoła katolickiego i prawosławnego wykonana jest z wysokiej klasy białego betonu architektonicznego, odpornego na wszelkie warunki atmosferyczne takie jak deszcz, słońce czy mróz. Ta oryginalna figura kultu religijnego idealnie nadje się do miejsca sakralnego lub ogrodu
A tiny figure of the Guardian Angel made of white architectural concrete fits perfectly into your home, your terrace or your green corner. The figure is weatherproof and is suitable as a small gift.
A beautiful figure of a sleeping angel wrapped in the moon and sitting on an elegant base with a floral ornament. The figure made of weather-resistant architectural concrete, rubbed in with a gray patina, can decorate a garden, a green corner, a terrace or an interior.
A small figure of Jesus that will highlight the beauty of any church interior, church square, sacristy, tombstone, garden or interior. It was made of weatherproof architectural concrete and rubbed with a gray patina to emphasize the shapes.
A small, subtle figure of the Virgin Mary with a rosary that enhances the beauty of any church interior. It was made of high-quality, weather-resistant architectural concrete and rubbed in with a gray patina to highlight the shapes. The figure can decorate a church square, a garden, a rectory, a sacristy, a church or a monastery.
Eine große Figur Jesu, die sich auf den Kult des Heiligen Herzens Jesu bezieht. Die Skulptur wird die Schönheit jedes Kircheninneren, Kirchenplatzes, Sakristei, Grabsteins, Gartens oder Innenraums hervorheben. Sie wurde aus wetterbeständigem Architekturbeton gefertigt und mit grauer Patina eingerieben, um die Formen hervorzuheben.
A bust of John Paul II. An ideal offer for all lovers of religious figures. This carefully crafted figure fits perfectly into the interior of a church, sacristy or rectory. It was made of high quality concrete and rubbed with a gray patina to highlight the shapes of the figures. A figure that can withstand all weather conditions, including frost.
A large statue of St. Florian will give each green corner a unique character. A statue of the martyr of the Catholic Church, who stood up for the persecuted legionnaires in the army of the Roman emperor. It is made of high-class white architectural concrete. This original figure of religious cult is perfect for a sacred place, garden or fire station.
The figure of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will wonderfully decorate the place you have chosen. It was made of high quality architectural concrete and is weatherproof. The sculpture can decorate a church square, a garden, a rectory, a sacristy, a church or a roadside chapel.
A beautiful figure of Archangel Michael defeating the Devil, made of high-class architectural concrete, rubbed with a gray patina to emphasize the shapes of the figure. The figure is resistant to all weather conditions.
A middle sized statue of St. Florian will give each garden a unique character. A statue of the martyr of the Catholic Church, who stood up for the persecuted legionnaires in the army of the Roman emperor. It is made of high-class white architectural concrete. This original figure of religious cult is perfect for a sacred place, garden or fire station.
A beautiful figure of Jesus that will highlight the beauty of any church interior, church square, sacristy, tombstone, garden or interior. It was made of weatherproof architectural concrete and rubbed with a gray patina to emphasize the shapes.
A beautiful, subtle figure of the Virgin Mary that highlights the beauty of any church interior. It was made of high-quality, weather-resistant architectural concrete and rubbed in with a gray patina to highlight the shapes. The figure can decorate a church square, a garden, a rectory, a sacristy, a church or a monastery.
A small, subtle figure of the Virgin Mary with a rosary that enhances the beauty of any church interior. It was made of high-quality, weather-resistant architectural concrete and rubbed in with a gray patina to highlight the shapes. The figure can decorate a church square, a garden, a rectory, a sacristy, a church or a monastery.
The dignified little statue of Our Lady trampling the snake will wonderfully highlight the beauty of any interior or garden. It is made from high quality concrete and is resistant to most weather conditions. A perfect decoration for a rectory, sacristy, church or domestic place of worship.
Figura Bociana wykonana z niezwykłą starannością to wspaniała propozycja ozdoby z betonu architektonicznego. Odporna jest na wszelkie warunki atmosferyczne. Doskonale wkomponuje się w ogrodzie, parku, przestrzeni publicznej czy zielonym zakątku. Sprawi dużo radości wszystkim zwiedzającym twój ogród, w szczególności dzieciom!
Classic figure of a boy with a horn will help you to create a fantastic flower arrangement. It will look beautiful at the entrance gate or the house entrance and please the eye of every visitor! The figure made of high-quality architectural concrete can withstand weather conditions.
All of our pots have drainage holes.
Piękna w swej prostocie fontanna z kulką - może być wykorzystana zarówno w ogrodzie, na tarasie, jak i...w domu! We wnętrzu spełni swoją funkcję również jako nawilżacz powietrza. Do wody można dodać kilka kropel olejku eterycznego, dzięki któremu w całym domu będzie unosił się piękny zapach. Fontanna wykonana jest z betonu na białym cemencie, trwała i wytrzymała na warunki atmosferyczne.
Medium-sized square pot with horizontal stripes. It will perfectly fill the place and perfectly highlight any floral or plant composition. The garden pot is made of durable architectural concrete on white cement. It is stable and useful. A perfect decoration for a terrace, garden, restaurant, hotel or green corner.
All our pots have drainage holes
Mała zimowa ozdoba przedstawiająca Mikołaja z workiem. Niezwykła dekoracja doskonale ozdobi każdą przestrzeń, dodając jej magicznego charakteru. Mikołaj z pewnością ucieszy wszystkich domowników, a w szczególności najmłodszych. Figurka sprawi, że na twojej twarzy z pewnością pojawi się uśmiech. Rewelacyjna dekoracja na święta Bożego Narodzenia!!!
A charming French bulldog, enchanted in stone, is a figurine that is impossible not to smile at! The figure is made of high-quality white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). A beautiful decoration for a home garden, public spaces, parks, hotels.
Wszędobylska, mała wiewióreczka to figurka z gatunku tych, które zdecydowanie świetnie się wkomponują w każdy zielony zakątek, więc z powodzeniem mogą stanowić prezent dla bliskiej osoby. Figura wykonana jest z wysokiej klasy białego betonu architektonicznego, odpornego na wszelkie warunki atmosferyczne (deszcz, słońce, mróz).
Extremely elegant figure of a sleeping angel on a ball. It is made of high-quality architectual concrete, thanks to which this garden decoration is weather-resistant. An angel can be the main decoration of a garden, terrace or interior - or only its detail.
Beautiful and timeless garden decoration. Decorative tap with reservoir. Practical fountain made with extraordinary care will not only relax with the sound of flowing water, but also add coolness on hot days. This product is resistant to weather conditions (rain, sun, frost)
Do you like Japanese gardens and would you like to introduce such a style at home as well - effectively but with little financial outlay? This decorative Japanese 2-story-pagoda is sure to get your job done! It consists of high quality white concrete that is rain, sun and frost resistant. Nice and unusual decoration of the backyard garden and terrace.
Średnia Lampa prosta, pagoda japońska wykonana z wysokiej klasy białego betonu, odporna na wszelkie warunki atmosferyczne (deszcz, słońce, mróz). Piękna i nietypowa dekoracja dla przydomowego ogrodu, kawiarni, restauracji, parku, hotelu i innych przestrzeni użyteczności publicznej.
Latarnie i pagody są skonstruowane tak, że można w nich zastosować oświetlenie z okablowaniem lub zapalić świeczkę.
Rectangular woven pot without unnecessary decorations. Made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to weather conditions. Beautiful decoration of the home garden, with the use of green forms, concrete pots are a practical decoration of any environment.
All our pots have drainage holes.
The figure of a girl with a finger in her mouth is a great decoration that will delight everyone! This figure was cast from high quality architectural concrete that can withstand most weather conditions. The figure fits perfectly in a garden or a public space. It is possible to buy a boy figurine, which together make a fantastic couple!
Maintained in a classic, timeless style, three-level fountain on summer days will not only please the eye, but also add refreshment and freshness. This classic will give grandeur to any green corner. The whole is made of high quality architectural concrete , resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).