
  • Schowek w kształcie orła

    Mała figurka orła, która może być wykorzystana również jako schowek. Wykonana z najwyższej jakości betonu architektonicznego, odporna na wszelkie warunki atmosferyczne. Może stanowić piękną dekorację domu, ogrodu, tarasu czy zielonego zakątka. Bardzo oryginalna ozdoba o pięknym wyglądzie przyciąga uwagę nie tylko swoim wykonaniem, lecz także funkcjonalnym...

    72,00 zł
    Delivery: 1 to 3 weeks
  • Eagle - small

    A figure of a small eagle on a rock made of  high quality aggregate, resistant to all weather conditions. Certainly, a beautiful decoration of a home garden, park, hotel - will give every green corner dignity. Entrance gates or entrance doors will be an ideal place for this statue - they will be beautifully displayed by eagle figurines standing on both...

    83,00 zł
    Delivery: 3 to 6 weeks
  • Eagle on the rock - left

    The figure of an eagle sitting on a rock is a beautiful decoration made of the highest quality aggregate, resistant to all weather conditions. A beautiful  monumental decoration of a home garden, park, hotel or public space. The ideal place for this figure will be entrance gates or garden spaces. You can also buy the left eagle.

    205,00 zł
    Delivery: 3 to 6 weeks
  • Eagle on the Rock - right

    The figure of an eagle sitting on a rock is a beautiful decoration made of the highest quality aggregate, resistant to all weather conditions. A beautiful  monumental decoration of a home garden, park, hotel or public space. The ideal place for this figure will be entrance gates or garden spaces. You can also buy the left eagle.

    205,00 zł
    Delivery: 3 to 6 weeks
  • Sitting eagle 60 cm

    A figure of a sitting eagle made of the highest quality aggregate, resistant to all negative weather conditions. A beautiful decoration of a backyard garden, park, hotel - will give every green corner dignity. Entrance gates or entrance doors will be an ideal place for this statue - they will be beautifully displayed by eagle figures standing on both sides.

    205,00 zł
    Delivery: 3 to 6 weeks
  • Middle eagle - right

    A figure of a menacing, soaring eagle made of the highest quality aggregate, resistant to all negative weather conditions. Certainly, a beautiful decoration of a home garden, park, hotel - will give every green corner dignity. Entrance gates or entrance doors will be an ideal place for this statue - they will be beautifully displayed by eagle figures...

    240,00 zł
    Delivery: 1 to 3 weeks
  • Middle eagle - left

    A figure of a menacing, soaring eagle made of the highest quality aggregate, resistant to all negative weather conditions. Certainly, a beautiful decoration of a home garden, park, hotel - will give every green corner dignity. Entrance gates or entrance doors will be an ideal place for this statue - they will be beautifully displayed by eagle figures...

    240,00 zł
    Delivery: 3 to 6 weeks
  • Eagle - large

    A figure of an eagle on a rock made of the highest quality aggregate, resistant to all weather conditions. Certainly, a beautiful decoration of a home garden, park, hotel - will give every green corner dignity. Entrance gates or entrance doors will be an ideal place for this statue - they will be beautifully displayed by eagle figurines standing on both...

    246,00 zł
    Delivery: 3 to 6 weeks
  • Eagle on the rock 67 cm

    The figure of an eagle sitting on a rock is a beautiful decoration made of the highest quality aggregate, resistant to all weather conditions. A beautiful  monumental decoration of a home garden, park, hotel or public space. The ideal place for this figure will be entrance gates or garden spaces. You can also buy the left eagle.

    490,00 zł
    Delivery: 1 to 3 weeks
  • Large eagle

    A figure of an eagle on a rock made of the highest quality aggregate, resistant to all weather conditions. Certainly, a beautiful decoration of a home garden, park, hotel - will give every green corner dignity. Entrance gates or entrance doors will be an ideal place for this statue - they will be beautifully displayed by eagle figurines standing on both...

    968,00 zł
    Delivery: 1 to 3 weeks
  • Duży Orzeł na skale

    Figura dużego, groźnego orła szykującego się do lotu. Wykonana została z najwyższej jakości kruszywa, odporna na wszelkie warunki pogodowe. Przepiękna, a zarazem monumentalna  dekoracja przydomowego ogrodu, parku, hotelu czy przestrzeni publicznej. Idealnym miejscem dla tej figury będą bramy wjazdowe lub duże przestrzenie ogrodowe.

    980,00 zł
    Delivery: 3 to 6 weeks
  • Duży Orzeł w locie

    Duża figura groźnego, wzlatującego orła o rozpiętości skrzydeł 180 cm wykonana z najwyższej jakości betonu architektonicznego, odporna na wszelkie warunki atmosferyczne. Z pewnością piękna dekoracja przydomowego ogrodu, parku, hotelu - nada każdemu zielonemu zakątkowi dostojności. Figura ta idealnie ozdobi centralne miejsce przed budynkiem

    1 160,00 zł
    Delivery: 1 to 3 weeks