Unusual solution - plant flowers or herbs in a pot with a male face! The figure made of high-quality weather-resistant architectural concrete is a beautiful decoration for the kitchen, backyard terrace or garden.
The appearance of goods made of architectural concrete may slightly differ from that presented in the pictures - the technical specifications of the products come from the manufacturers, each product is made to order and patinated by hand in the selected color.
Data sheet
Large size characteristic pot depicting a human face (also available for sale: Man's Head Pot) made of high-class architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost ). Beautiful and unusual decoration of a home garden, public spaces, parks, hotels.
All our pots have drainage holes.
Unusual solution - plant flowers or herbs in a pot with a female face! The figure is made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). A beautiful decoration for the kitchen, backyard terrace, garden.
A beautiful flower pot with an angel sitting next to it. Made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to weather conditions. A beautiful decoration for your home garden or as a decoration for a grave. Architectural concrete pots are a practical decoration of any environment.
All our pots have drainage holes.
Dużych rozmiarów prostokątna donica, obramowana kwiatowym ornamentem, wykonana z wysokiej klasy białego betonu architektonicznego, odpornego na wszelkie warunki atmosferyczne (deszcz, słońce, mróz). Wraz z kwiatami będzie stanowić piękną dekorację przydomowego ogrodu, tarasu, kawiarni, restauracji.
Wszystkie nasze donice posiadają otwory odpływowe.
A large cup-shaped vase, made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (UV radiation, rain, frost). A beautiful decoration of a home garden, green corner, terrace, balcony or public space.
All our pots have drainage holes.
A funny figure of a hare-water carrier, proudly holding her flowers instead of water! This decoration will definitely please the eye of every visitor. The statue was made of high-quality weatherproof architectural concrete and will beautify the home garden, the terrace and the public space.
A small pot in the form of a bowl with a decorated edge, made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). Beautiful decoration of the home garden, with the use of green forms, concrete pots are a practical decoration of any environment.
All our pots have drainage holes.
A beautiful, classic figure of a woman with two baskets - an additional decoration is your flower arrangement, for which you use both baskets of the figure! The figure, made of high quality architectural concrete, rubbed with a gray patina, can withstand most weather conditions and is a perfect decoration of a garden or terrace.
A large cup-shaped pot with an elliptical circumference, made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). Beautiful decoration of the home garden, with the use of green forms, concrete pots are a practical decoration of any environment.
All our pots have drainage holes.
A large-sized, richly decorated flowerpot, made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (UV radiation, rain, frost). A beautiful decoration of a home garden, green corner, terrace, balcony or public space.
All our pots have drainage holes.
Unusual solution - plant flowers in a pot carved in stone! The pot is made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). Beautiful decoration of the home garden, public spaces, parks, hotels.
All our pots have drainage holes.
Extremely elegant low pot, the only decoration of which is a contrasting rim, made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). Beautiful decoration of the home garden, with the use of green forms, concrete pots are a practical decoration of any environment.
All our pots have drainage holes.
A large-sized pot in the form of a goblet made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). Beautiful decoration of the home garden, with the use of green forms, concrete pots are a practical decoration of any environment.
All our pots have drainage holes.
A garden pot that looks like a woven shopping basket will be a beautiful background for any flower arrangement. The flower basket was made of patinated architectural concrete that can withstand most weather conditions. Perfect for the garden and the terrace.
All of our pots have drainage holes.
An elegant flower pot with a timeless form. Dedicated to people who realize that a properly arranged space around the house will encourage them to spend time and delight their guests. A garden pot made of a suitable mixture of white concrete is stable, useful and resistant to all weather conditions.
All pots have drainage holes.
Niedużych rozmiarów prosty i klasyczny wazon wykonany z wysokiej klasy białego betonu, odpornego na trudne warunki atmosferyczne. Ten typ donicy ogrodowej wszędzie znajdzie swoje miejsce. Z wykorzystaniem form zielonych donice z betonu architektonicznego są praktyczną ozdobą każdego otoczenia.
Wszystkie nasze donice posiadają otwory odpływowe.
A great figure of a young boy with his hands in his pockets and standing over the pot, which can also be a decoration for a selected floral composition. The figure was carefully made of architectural concrete and patinated to emphasize the shape of the figure. A beautiful decoration for a home garden, public space, park, restaurant or hotel
Flower pot Dachshund made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). A beautiful decoration for a home garden, public spaces, parks, hotels. It is certainly impossible to pass by indifferently