The trickle fountain


A small, charming garden fountain. The winged inhabitants of your garden are sure to love this new addition! This beautiful fountain will not only please the eye on summer days, but also cool it in hot weather. The whole thing is made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).

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The trickle fountain

The trickle fountain

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The appearance of the architectural concrete goods may differ slightly from what is shown in the photos - the technical specifications of the products come from the manufacturers, each product is made to order and patinated by hand in a selected color to emphasize its shape.

The set includes the purchase of a suitable pump and assembly glue for permanent joining of individual parts of the fountain. In order to select a pump, please send a message - we are here to help.


Data sheet

59 kg
74 cm
54 cm
Base diameter
33 cm

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