A great figurine of a small cat placed in a bag made of durable architectural concrete. A perfect decoration for the garden, home or green corner or public space. It will bring a lot of joy to all lovers of animals and concrete figures. This figure is resistant to all weather conditions and is a great gift idea. It can also be used as a flowerpot
The appearance of the goods made of architectural concrete may slightly differ from the one presented in the pictures - the technical specification of the products comes from the manufacturers, each product is made to order and patinated by hand to emphasize its shapes.
Scheda tecnica
Una piccola figura di scarpa realizzata in cemento architettonico bianco di alta qualità, resistente a tutte le condizioni atmosferiche (pioggia, sole, gelo). Un piccolo vaso da fiori e allo stesso tempo una bella decorazione del giardino di casa, della terrazza e del davanzale della finestra.
Tutti i nostri vasi hanno fori di drenaggio.
Una piccola scarpa su cui si arrampica un topo: un vaso da fiori molto affascinante. La figura è realizzata in cemento bianco di alta qualità, resistente a tutte le condizioni atmosferiche (pioggia, sole, gelo). Bellissima decorazione del giardino di casa, della terrazza, del davanzale della finestra.
A nice dog that will win the heart of every visitor to your garden! The figure is made of high-quality white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions. A beautiful decoration for a home garden, public spaces, parks, hotels.
Uroczy, nieduży piesek z piłeczką, której nie chce oddać to figurka, na widok której nie sposób się nie uśmiechnąć! Figura wykonana jest z wysokiej klasy białego betonu architektonicznego, odpornego na wszelkie warunki atmosferyczne (deszcz, słońce, mróz). Piękna dekoracja dla przydomowego ogrodu, przestrzeni użyteczności publicznej, parków, hoteli.
Per gli amanti del mare e del clima velico: una fontana con i delfini! Una bella fontana in cui l'acqua scorre dalle bocche dei delfini in modo decorativo, non solo delizierà la vista nelle giornate estive, ma aggiungerà anche refrigerio e freschezza. Il tutto è realizzato in calcestruzzo architettonico bianco di alta qualità, resistente alle condizioni atmosferiche (pioggia, sole, gelo).
A garden fountain with a figure of Cupid with a horn from which water is poured is a very attractive and spectacular decoration. The water is poured into a wavy bowl on an ornate leg.
The whole thing consists of high-quality architectural concrete that is weather-resistant (rain, sun, frost).
Beautiful, dreamlike figure of Selene, according to Greek mythology she was a deity who was associated with the moon cult. The figure was made of weatherproof architectural concrete, which is rubbed with a gray patina and can be a decoration of a garden or terrace.
Dekoracyjny stół, który będzie główną ozdobą Twojego ogrodu, salonu, tarasu czy lokalu gastronomicznego. Jest niepowtarzalny! Prosty blat i noga jako figura dzieci zajadających się świeżo zerwanymi owocami z drzewa to niezwykłe połączenie. Mebel wykonany z wysokiej klasy białego betonu, dzięki czemu jest odporny na trudne warunki atmosferyczne (deszcz, słońce, mróz).
Outstanding sculpture of a woman carrying fruit baskets. The figure, made of weather-resistant architectural concrete rubbed with a gray patina, can be a perfect decoration of a garden, terrace or restaurant.
The fountain consists of three decorative bowls on which the figure of a woman with a jug is depicted. A great decoration for a garden, public space, restaurant or green corner. Made with great care, it not only relaxes with running water, but also diversifies the surrounding space. The product is durable and weatherproof.
A nice, fat bulldog in a cowboy hat will make every garden guest smile! The figure is made of high-class architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions. A beautiful decoration for a home garden, public spaces, parks, hotels. Or maybe as a gift for a loved one?
La statuetta dignitosa della Madonna che calpesta il serpente metterà in risalto meravigliosamente la bellezza di ogni interno o giardino. È realizzato in cemento di alta qualità ed è resistente alla maggior parte delle condizioni atmosferiche. Una decorazione perfetta per una canonica, una sagrestia, una chiesa o un luogo di culto domestico.
This beautiful wall fountain will be the perfect decoration for gardens decorated in a classic style. On summer days, it will not only be pleasing to the eye, but also add refreshment and freshness. The whole thing is made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).
Classic figurine of a boy playing the tambourine, which will please the eye of every guest of your garden! The figure is made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). It will also wonderfully decorate the interior of a hotel, restaurant, wedding house, etc.
An impressive figure of a meditating Buddha in simple clothes gives every green corner an oriental character. The figure is made of high quality white architectural concrete that can withstand most weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). It is also patinated to emphasize the shape of the figure. An original decoration for a home garden or public space.
This beautiful and carefully made figure of a half-naked woman will wonderfully decorate your garden. A young lady with wonderful shapes, wrapped in a robe, was made of high-class architectural concrete. The figure is resistant to all weather conditions. It can be a beautiful decoration for a home garden, public spaces, hotels, parks
A potted pitcher made of high-class architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). A beautiful and original decoration of a home garden or terrace.
All our pots have drainage holes.
A figure of a menacing, soaring eagle made of the highest quality aggregate, resistant to all negative weather conditions. Certainly, a beautiful decoration of a home garden, park, hotel - will give every green corner dignity. Entrance gates or entrance doors will be an ideal place for this statue - they will be beautifully displayed by eagle figures standing on both sides.
A beautiful, classic figure of the Goldilocks pouring water from a jug can make an amazing fountain after conntecting a water pump. It is made of high-quality concrete on white cement, resistant to weather conditions. In addition, the figure is rubbed with gray patina to emphasize the figure's shapes. It can be a beautiful decoration of a home garden, cafe or a pond.
This flower pot will beautifully display your every flower arrangement, an original decoration of your home garden, terrace, public spaces, parks and hotels. It is made of a mixture of concrete resistant to all weather conditions.