Scarpa piccola 18 cm

83,74 zł

Una piccola figura di scarpa realizzata in cemento architettonico bianco di alta qualità, resistente a tutte le condizioni atmosferiche (pioggia, sole, gelo). Un piccolo vaso da fiori e allo stesso tempo una bella decorazione del giardino di casa, della terrazza e del davanzale della finestra.

Tutti i nostri vasi hanno fori di drenaggio.

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Scarpa piccola 18 cm

Scarpa piccola 18 cm

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L'aspetto dei manufatti architettonici in cemento può variare leggermente rispetto a quello mostrato nelle immagini - le specifiche tecniche dei prodotti provengono dai produttori, ogni prodotto è realizzato su ordinazione e patinato a mano per evidenziarne le forme.

3 Articoli

Scheda tecnica

5 kg
18 cm
12x21 cm

Potrebbe anche piacerti

Asinello con cestino

186,99 zł
Availability: 1 In Stock

Adorabile asinello carico di cesto, che potrai riempire di bellissimi fiori.

La figura è realizzata in cemento bianco di alta qualità, resistente a tutte le condizioni atmosferiche (pioggia, sole, gelo). Bellissima decorazione per il giardino di casa, spazi pubblici, parchi, hotel.

Vaso da fiori con testa di donna

491,87 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Vaso caratteristico di grandi dimensioni raffigurante un volto umano (disponibile anche in vendita: Vaso Testa d'Uomo) realizzato in cemento architettonico di alta qualità, resistente a tutte le condizioni atmosferiche (pioggia, sole, gelo). Decorazione bella e insolita del giardino di casa, degli spazi pubblici, dei parchi, degli hotel.

Tutti i nostri vasi hanno fori di drenaggio.

Una scarpa con un topo - vaso

36,59 zł
Availability: 1 In Stock

Una piccola scarpa su cui si arrampica un topo: un vaso da fiori molto affascinante. La figura è realizzata in cemento bianco di alta qualità, resistente a tutte le condizioni atmosferiche (pioggia, sole, gelo). Bellissima decorazione del giardino di casa, della terrazza, del davanzale della finestra.

Fairy tale fountain

764,23 zł
Availability: 1 In Stock

A beautiful fountain with figurines of animals. Water cascades through the individual floors. This fairy-tale fountain on summer days will not only please the eye, but also give you refreshment and freshness. The whole thing is made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).

Small 11 cm shoe

34,68 zł
Availability: 1 In Stock

A small shoe figure made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). A small flowerpot and at the same time a beautiful decoration of the home garden, terrace and window sill.

All our pots have drainage holes.

Small 35 cm shoe

215,45 zł
Availability: Out of stock

A small shoe figure made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). A small flowerpot and at the same time a beautiful decoration of the home garden, terrace and window sill.

All our pots have drainage holes.

A shoe with a cat

36,59 zł
Availability: 4 In Stock

A small shoe with a cat climbing on it - a very charming flowerpot. The figure is made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). Beautiful decoration of the home garden, terrace, window sill.

A shoe with a dog

36,59 zł
Availability: 6 In Stock

A small shoe with a dog climbing on it - a very charming flowerpot. The figure is made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). Beautiful decoration of the home garden, terrace, window sill.

A shoe with two dogs

65,04 zł
Availability: 3 In Stock

A small shoe with two dogs climbing on it - a very charming flowerpot. The figure is made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). Beautiful decoration of the home garden, terrace, window sill.

16 altri prodotti della stessa categoria:

Grooved vase with a smooth stripe

296,75 zł
Availability: Out of stock

An elegant flower pot with a timeless form. Dedicated to people who realize that a properly arranged space around the house will encourage them to spend time and delight their guests. A garden pot made of a suitable mixture of white concrete is stable, useful and resistant to all weather conditions.

All pots have drainage holes.

Barrel pot 3

178,86 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Modest flower pot in a shape of a barrel made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). A beautiful decoration for a home garden, public spaces, parks, hotels. It is certainly impossible to pass by indifferently

Kosz pleciony wysoki mały

231,71 zł
Availability: 2 In Stock

Donica ogrodowa w formie kosza-plecionki, która będzie pięknym tłem dla dowolnej kompozycji kwiatowej. Kosz na kwiaty wykonany jest z mieszanki betonu na białym cemencie, która cechuje się odpornością na wszelkie warunki atmosferyczne. Idealny do ogrodu i na taras.

Wszystkie nasze donice posiadają otwory odpływowe.

Large ashtray

573,17 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Large ashtray made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). A beautiful decoration for a home garden, public spaces, parks, hotels. It is certainly impossible to pass by indifferently

Vase 5

166,67 zł
Availability: Out of stock

A chalice on a pedestal made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). A beautiful decoration for a home garden, public spaces, parks, hotels. It is certainly impossible to pass by indifferently

Flowerpot Sunflowers

121,95 zł
Availability: Out of stock

A beautiful, frost-resistant round concrete pot decorated with a sunflower pattern. A concrete garden pot is stable, durable and useful. Unique decoration of the home garden. With the use of green forms, pots made of this high-quality aggregate are a practical decoration of any environment.

All our pots have drainage holes.


Garden pot 18

113,82 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Medium-sized square pot with horizontal stripes. It will perfectly fill the place and perfectly highlight any floral or plant composition. The garden pot is made of durable architectural concrete on white cement. It is stable and useful. A perfect decoration for a terrace, garden, restaurant, hotel or green corner.

All our pots have drainage holes 


Vaso da fiori - Mani

113,01 zł
Availability: 4 In Stock

Un vaso da fiori a forma di mani che abbracciano la pianta piantata: una decorazione insolita per il giardino, la terrazza e qualsiasi altro angolo verde. La figura è realizzata in cemento bianco di alta qualità, resistente a tutte le condizioni atmosferiche (pioggia, sole, gelo).

Tutti i nostri vasi hanno fori di drenaggio.

Donica stożek

1.110,57 zł
Availability: 1 In Stock

Donica stożek to ekskluzywna donica kamienna szlifowana i grawerowana o kształcie stożka z  linii EXCLUSIV. Wykonana jest z kruszywa łączonego zaprawą. Donica doskonale nadaje się do dużych przestrzeni, ogrodów, parków, restauracji, placów miejskich, kościelnych, skwerów czy hoteli. Wykonana jest z surowców pochodzenia naturalnego doskonale podkreśli duże krzewy ozdobne odporna na wszelkie warunki

Waza z wstęgami

191,06 zł
Availability: 1 In Stock

Prosta, ponadczasowa i zarazem elegancka donica zdobiona wstęgami i kobiecymi głowami. Donica ogrodowa z odpowiedniej mieszanki białego betonu jest stabilna, trwała i użyteczna - co więcej: odporna na wszystkie warunki atmosferyczne. Doskonała dekoracja na taras, do ogrodu, do ogródka kawiarnianego, restauracji, hotelu.

Wszystkie nasze donice posiadają otwory odpływowe.


Chalice with floral pattern

715,45 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Dużych rozmiarów donica w formie kielicha wykonana z wysokiej klasy białego betonu, odpornego na wszelkie warunki atmosferyczne (deszcz, słońce, mróz). Piękna dekoracja przydomowego ogrodu, z wykorzystaniem form zielonych donice z betonu architektonicznego są praktyczną ozdobą każdego otoczenia.

Wszystkie nasze donice posiadają otwory odpływowe.

Rectangular pot with wide stripes

345,53 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Rectangular woven pot without unnecessary decorations. Made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to weather conditions. Beautiful decoration of the home garden, with the use of green forms, concrete pots are a practical decoration of any environment.

All our pots have drainage holes.

Tractor trailer

262,60 zł
Availability: Out of stock

A great decoration in the form of a tractor trailer for flower arrangements. Made with great care, it will perfectly decorate any garden. A treat for fans of concrete decorations referring to the agricultural theme. Made of durable architectural concrete resistant to all weather conditions. A tractor is also available for sale.

Wazon betonowy mały

113,82 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Niedużych rozmiarów prosty i klasyczny wazon wykonany z wysokiej klasy białego betonu, odpornego na trudne warunki atmosferyczne. Ten typ donicy ogrodowej wszędzie znajdzie swoje miejsce. Z wykorzystaniem form zielonych donice z betonu architektonicznego są praktyczną ozdobą każdego otoczenia.

Wszystkie nasze donice posiadają otwory odpływowe.

STONE flower pot 48 cm

265,85 zł
Availability: Out of stock

A large flower pot, ornamental shrub or tree with a mosaic effect. A classic and timeless flower pot made of high-quality white architectural concrete, resistant to weather conditions. Beautiful decoration of the home garden, terrace, public spaces, parks, hotels.

All our pots have drainage holes.

Pot with grapes - big

286,18 zł
Availability: Out of stock

A beautiful, frost-resistant concrete pot, decorated with a decorative pattern of grapes. The concrete garden pot is stable, durable and useful. Unique home garden decoration. With the use of green forms, pots made of this high-quality aggregate are a practical decoration of any environment.

All our pots have drainage holes.