A beautiful, subtle figure of the Virgin Mary that highlights the beauty of any church interior. It was made of high-quality, weather-resistant architectural concrete and rubbed in with a gray patina to highlight the shapes. The figure can decorate a church square, a garden, a rectory, a sacristy, a church or a monastery.
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- Lampade giapponesi
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- Piedistalli e colonne
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- Lampade giapponesi
- Bagni per uccelli
- Stagni di fontane, bordi
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- Piedistalli e colonne
Mother of God 100 cm
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A wonderful, subtle figure of the Mother of God that will emphasize the beauty of any church interior or chapel. It is made of high-quality concrete, rubbed with a gray patina to emphasize the shapes of the figure. The figure is resistant to all weather conditions, it can be a decoration of a church square or garden. It can be used as a decoration for a rectory, sacristy, church, or monastery.
The appearance of goods made of architectural concrete may slightly differ from that presented in the pictures - the technical specifications of the products come from the manufacturers, each product is made to order and patinated by hand in the selected color.
Scheda tecnica
- Peso
- 60 kg
- Altezza
- 100 cm
- Dimensioni
- 25x25cm
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The standing monk Dom Perignon with a bottle gives every green corner a unique character. The figure of a monk who is considered a champagne explorer, made of high quality white concrete, is weatherproof and patinated to highlight the shape of the figure. An original decoration for a home garden, public space or park.
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A beautiful, subtle figure of the Virgin Mary that highlights the beauty of any church interior. It was made of high-quality, weather-resistant architectural concrete and rubbed in with a gray patina to highlight the shapes. The figure can decorate a church square, a garden, a rectory, a sacristy, a church or a monastery.
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Średnich rozmiarów tradycyjna fontanna zwieńczona na szczycie dekoracyjną szyszką. Woda przelewa się z otworu umieszczonego na szczycie i delikatnie spływa po podstawie szyszki, następnie przelewając się do mis. Fontanna wykonana jest z wysokiej klasy białego betonu architektonicznego. Fontanna ta może pełnić funkcje dekoracyjne w każdym ogrodzie oraz kawiarni, restauracji czy parku.
È impossibile non definire questo bambino carino! Una piccola statuina di coniglietto è una decorazione che si adatterà perfettamente a qualsiasi angolo verde (e non solo), quindi può essere un regalo perfetto per una persona cara. La statuina è realizzata in cemento architettonico bianco di alta qualità, resistente a tutte le condizioni atmosferiche (pioggia, sole, gelo).
A great classic pedestal with a frame. A decoration that can be used as an independent decoration, but also to emphasize the figure or pot on it. This decorative element will stimulate your arrangement imagination! The column is made of high-quality concrete, resistant to difficult weather conditions.
Nieduży, imitujący kamienną dekorację wróbelek doskonale sprawdzi się w romantycznym zielonym zakątku czy też w altance otoczonej bujnym winobluszczem. Dzięki niewielkiemu rozmiarowi, doskonale odnajdzie się również na tarasie i balkonie. Ozdoba wykonana jest z wysokiej klasy białego betonu architektonicznego.
A beautiful casing made of concrete, referring to the rural, rustic style. A very effective addition to a tastefully decorated garden where everything has its place. The whole thing is made of high-quality white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).
A Turtle on a stump turned into stone! The figure is made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). Original decoration for a home garden, public spaces, parks, hotels.
The FRESCO Carello is a garden fountain with a cherub figure holding a horn. Water is gently poured from the corner of the angel. This fountain is not only an unusual decoration, but also gives your garden a refreshing element on hot days. Everything is made from high-quality weather-resistant architectural concrete.
Element do stworzenia fontanny kaskady - wykorzystujesz tyle elementów, ile pięter Ci się zamarzy! Taki wodospad w ogrodzie to niezwykła atrakcja. Element fontanny wykonany jest z wysokiej jakości betonu architektonicznego, stylizowanego na wyżłobiony przez wodę kamień. Każdy element jest trwały i odporny na deszcze i mrozy - to zakup na lata.
A small column with a square base. A decorative column is an unusual decoration that can be used as an independent decoration or as a base for a figure. This decorative element is so universal that it stimulates the arrangement imagination! It is perfect both for the interior of the house and for the garden.
Ein majestätischer Schlangendrache, der nicht nur in den orientalischen Garten fantastisch passt! Es wird der Umgebung, in der es erscheint, sicherlich einen einzigartigen Charakter verleihen. Die Figur ist aus hochwertigem Architekturbeton gefertigt, beständig gegen Witterungseinflüsse (Regen, Sonne, Frost).
La figura di una simpatica rana in cravatta delizierà tutti. Una decorazione perfetta per un laghetto, un giardino, una terrazza o un ristorante. La statuina è realizzata in cemento architettonico bianco di alta qualità, resistente alle condizioni atmosferiche avverse.