A beautiful, subtle figure of the Virgin Mary that highlights the beauty of any church interior. It was made of high-quality, weather-resistant architectural concrete and rubbed in with a gray patina to highlight the shapes. The figure can decorate a church square, a garden, a rectory, a sacristy, a church or a monastery.
The appearance of goods made of architectural concrete may slightly differ from that presented in the pictures - the technical specifications of the products come from the manufacturers, each product is made to order and patinated by hand in the selected color.
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The standing monk Dom Perignon with a bottle gives every green corner a unique character. The figure of a monk who is considered a champagne explorer, made of high quality white concrete, is weatherproof and patinated to highlight the shape of the figure. An original decoration for a home garden, public space or park.
A wonderful, subtle figure of the Mother of God that will emphasize the beauty of any church interior or chapel. It is made of high-quality concrete, rubbed with a gray patina to emphasize the shapes of the figure. The figure is resistant to all weather conditions, it can be a decoration of a church square or garden. It can be used as a decoration for a rectory, sacristy, church, or monastery.
The figure of Dom Perignon with a bottle was made of durable architectural concrete and is a perfect decoration for a garden, restaurant, wedding house or hotel. Dom Pierre Perignon was a Benedictine monk who is credited with discovering champagne. He was the author of the words "Come on quickly, I'll drink the stars". This figure will delight all champagne lovers!
Duża stojąca rzeźba diakona Wincentego z Saragossy nada każdemu zielonemu zakątkowi wyjątkowego charakteru. Figurka męczennika Kościoła katolickiego i prawosławnego wykonana jest z wysokiej klasy białego betonu architektonicznego, odpornego na wszelkie warunki atmosferyczne takie jak deszcz, słońce czy mróz. Ta oryginalna figura kultu religijnego idealnie nadje się do miejsca sakralnego lub ogrodu
La statuetta dignitosa della Madonna che calpesta il serpente metterà in risalto meravigliosamente la bellezza di ogni interno o giardino. È realizzato in cemento di alta qualità ed è resistente alla maggior parte delle condizioni atmosferiche. Una decorazione perfetta per una canonica, una sagrestia, una chiesa o un luogo di culto domestico.
Una piccola e sottile figura della Vergine Maria con un rosario che esalta la bellezza di ogni interno della chiesa. È stato realizzato in cemento architettonico di alta qualità, resistente agli agenti atmosferici e levigato con una patina grigia per evidenziare le forme. La figura può decorare il sagrato di una chiesa, un giardino, una canonica, una sagrestia, una chiesa o un monastero.
Eine große Figur Jesu, die sich auf den Kult des Heiligen Herzens Jesu bezieht. Die Skulptur wird die Schönheit jedes Kircheninneren, Kirchenplatzes, Sakristei, Grabsteins, Gartens oder Innenraums hervorheben. Sie wurde aus wetterbeständigem Architekturbeton gefertigt und mit grauer Patina eingerieben, um die Formen hervorzuheben.
Un busto di Giovanni Paolo II ideale per tutti gli amanti delle figure religiose. Questa figura realizzata con cura si adatta perfettamente all'interno di una chiesa, di una sacrestia o di una canonica. È stata realizzata in cemento di alta qualità e strofinata con una patina grigia per evidenziare le forme delle figure. Una figura che può resistere a tutte le condizioni atmosferiche
Grande statua di San. Floriana donerà ad ogni angolo verde un carattere unico. Una statuetta di un martire della Chiesa cattolica che difese i legionari perseguitati nell'esercito dell'imperatore romano. È realizzato in cemento architettonico bianco di alta classe. Questa originale figura religiosa è perfetta per un luogo sacro, un giardino o una caserma dei pompieri.
The standing monk Dom Perignon with a bottle gives every green corner a unique character. The figure of a monk who is considered a champagne explorer, made of high quality white concrete, is weatherproof and patinated to highlight the shape of the figure. An original decoration for a home garden, public space or park.
Una bellissima figura dell'Arcangelo Michele che sconfigge il diavolo, realizzata in cemento architettonico di alta qualità, indossata con patina grigia per enfatizzare le forme della figura. La figura è resistente a tutte le condizioni atmosferiche.
A middle sized statue of St. Florian will give each garden a unique character. A statue of the martyr of the Catholic Church, who stood up for the persecuted legionnaires in the army of the Roman emperor. It is made of high-class white architectural concrete. This original figure of religious cult is perfect for a sacred place, garden or fire station.
A beautiful, subtle figure of the Virgin Mary that highlights the beauty of any church interior. It was made of high-quality, weather-resistant architectural concrete and rubbed in with a gray patina to highlight the shapes. The figure can decorate a church square, a garden, a rectory, a sacristy, a church or a monastery.
Medium-sized figure of a girl with buckets, which can also be used for flower arrangements. This figure will definitely please the eye of any guest in your garden. It was made of high quality architectural concrete and is resistant to difficult weather conditions. A beautiful decoration of the home garden, the terrace and the public space.
Beautiful, classic figure of a naked woman pouring water from a jug. The figure, along with the water pump, can be an unusual fountain. Made of high-quality concrete, rubbed in with a gray patina to highlight the shapes, the figure is weatherproof and beautifies the surroundings.
A woman who plays the harp, wrapped in a robe, is made of weatherproof architectural concrete that has been rubbed with a gray patina to emphasize the shape of the figure. The figure can be a beautiful decoration for a home garden, public space, hotel, park. This beautiful figure will perfectly decorate your garden!
A beautiful, classic figure of a half-naked woman leaning on a bowl - an additional decoration for your flower arrangement. Made of high-quality concrete, rubbed in with a gray patina to highlight the shapes, the figure is weatherproof and beautifies the environment.
A beautiful, classic figure of the Roman goddess of love Venus taking a bath. Made of weatherproof architectural concrete, the sculpture is a great offer for lovers of the beauty of the female body. It decorates gardens, parks, restaurants, wedding houses and is also intended for classically furnished interiors.
This beautiful, small figure of a sitting, bathing naked woman is also a fountain after connecting the pump. The figure, made of weather-resistant architectural concrete rubbed with a gray patina, can be a decoration of a garden, public space, an interior or a terrace.
The nice boy with a lantern is a figure made of the highest quality, weather-resistant aggregate. A beautiful decoration for a home garden, public space, companies, etc.
It will certainly attract attention and cheer up the surroundings.
Phenomenal, eye-catching figure of a woman with a bunch of grapes. It is made of durable architectural concrete, rubbed with a gray patina to emphasize details. A figure that is resistant to all weather conditions, can be a decoration of a home garden, restaurant, wedding house or classic interior.
A figure showing a pair of children playing together. Makes a great gift for grandparents. Ideal for the environment where there are children, perfect for interior decoration, gardens and terraces .. The decorative figure of a girl and a boy is made of high quality architectural concrete that is weatherproof.
Victoria 's bust can be an element of home decor, as well as garden or spa salon. This figure is made of high-quality white architectural concrete, which ensures the durability of the figure - it is not afraid of rains, frosts, scorching sun.
A wonderful figure of a girl with a basket on her shoulder, which can also be a pot for a selected flower arrangement. The figure was made of weatherproof architectural concrete and is a beautiful decoration for your home garden, public spaces, parks, restaurants or hotels.
The figure of a boy on a goose will appeal to all lovers of concrete decorations. The figure is made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to weather conditions such as rain, sun or frost. A beautiful decoration for a home garden, public spaces, parks and hotels.
Diese ausdrucksstarke und sorgfältig gearbeitete Figur einer Frau mit Blumengirlande wird Ihren Garten wunderbar schmücken. Die Figur besteht aus hochwertigem weißem Beton und ist widerstandsfähig gegen alle Witterungsbedingungen, einschließlich Frost. Es kann eine schöne Dekoration für einen Hausgarten, öffentliche Räume, Hotels, Parks und Hochzeitshäuser sein.
A beautiful and carefully made figure of a half-naked woman with a flower will decorate your garden. The sculpture was made of weatherproof architectural concrete and will be a beautiful decoration for a home garden, public spaces, hotels, parks, wedding houses.
The bust of August can be an element of home decor, as well as garden or spa salon. This figure is made of high-quality white architectural concrete, which ensures the durability of the figure - it is not afraid of rains, frosts, scorching sun.
A bird drinker in the form of a boy with a finger in his mouth. The whole thing is made of high-quality architectural concrete and withstands all weather conditions. This decoration can decorate a home garden, public spaces, parks, hotels. It will please the most thirsty winged friends.