Fountains that
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Elegance, relaxation, and harmony at home.
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Availability: Out of stock
A fountain with a figure of Neptune - the god of the seas and oceans - will give elegance to any green corner! On summer days, it will not only be pleasing to the eye, but will also add refreshment and freshness. The whole is made of high-class white concrete architectural, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).
Availability: Out of stock

Both children and adults love it! The fountain with a figurine of children standing under an umbrella on summer days will not only be pleasing to the eye, but will also add refreshment and freshness. The whole thing is made of high quality white architectural concrete , resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).

Availability: Out of stock

This beautiful fountain will be the perfect decoration for gardens decorated in a classic style. On summer days, it will not only be pleasing to the eye, but also add refreshment and freshness. The whole thing is made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).

Availability: Out of stock

This beautiful wall fountain will be the perfect decoration for gardens decorated in a classic style. On summer days, it will not only be pleasing to the eye, but also add refreshment and freshness. The whole thing is made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).

Availability: Out of stock

This richly decorated, baroque fountain will be the perfect decoration for gardens, cafe gardens, restaurants and hotels.

On summer days, it will not only be pleasing to the eye, but also add refreshment and freshness. The whole thing is made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions.

Availability: Out of stock

An elegant fountain with water overflowing from a shell held by a woman will be an effective complement to a classically decorated garden. On summer days, it will not only be pleasing to the eye, but also add refreshment and freshness. The whole thing is made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).

Availability: Out of stock

This small, classic fountain with a cone will not only be pleasing to the eye, but also add refreshment on summer days. It is made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).

Availability: Out of stock

A small, cute fountain with water pouring from the jug. It will be an effective complement to a classically decorated garden. It has a double task: it will not only please the eye on summer days, but also add refreshment and freshness. The whole thing is made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).

Availability: Out of stock

Elegancka, niewielka fontanna, z wodą przelewającą się z muszelki trzymanej przez kobietę. Niska, będzie efektownym uzupełnieniem klasycznie urządzonego ogroduW letnie dni nie tylko będzie cieszyć oko, ale również doda ochłody i rześkości. Całość wykonana jest z wysokiej klasy białego betonu architektonicznego, odpornego na wszelkie warunki atmosferyczne (deszcz, słońce, mróz).

Availability: Out of stock

The most common type of fountain - classic and effective. An additional advantage is the interesting effect of the water overflow - water overflows from the lion's heads from the highest to the lowest bowl. This fountain is a great choice for decorating gardens, parks, hotels, inns, wedding houses, etc. It will impress everyone!

Your world
your fountain
Stylish fountains for every space.
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Eudoxia with a vase

Availability: Out of stock

A beautiful figure of a woman in airy robes, carrying an amphora, will completely change the face of your garden decorated in a classic style. It is made of high-quality concrete on white cement, resistant to all weather conditions.

Availability: Out of stock

A beautiful figure of a woman with two baskets - the flower composition for which you use the basket can be an additional decoration.

The figure is made of high quality concrete on white cement that has been rubbed with a gray patina to highlight the shape of the figure. The product can withstand most weather conditions and is a perfect decoration of a garden.

Availability: 1 In Stock

A beautiful, classic figure of a half-naked woman leaning on a bowl - an additional decoration for your flower arrangement. Made of high-quality concrete, rubbed in with a gray patina to highlight the shapes, the figure is weatherproof and beautifies the environment.


Availability: Out of stock

This beautiful figure must stand in your garden! A half-naked woman with lush hair blowing is made of high quality concrete on white cement that has been rubbed with a gray patina to highlight the shape of the figure. The product can withstand most weather conditions and is a perfect decoration of a garden.

NOEMI figure

Availability: 2 In Stock

A miniature figure of Andrea, made of high-class architectural concrete, rubbed with a gray patina to emphasize the figure's shapes. The figure, which is resistant to all weather conditions, can decorate an interior, home garden, terrace or hotel.

Availability: Out of stock

A beautiful, classic figure of a woman with two baskets - an additional decoration is your flower arrangement, for which you use both baskets of the figure! The figure, made of high quality architectural concrete, rubbed with a gray patina, can withstand most weather conditions and is a perfect decoration of a garden or terrace.


Availability: 4 In Stock

This unique figurine of a boy standing on the head of a fish is not only a beautiful garden figurine, but also a fountain. After connecting the pump, the water flows gently out of the fish's mouth. The figure made of high-quality architectural concrete, patinated by hand, is resistant to weather conditions. Ideal for the garden, terrace, park or hotel.

Availability: 2 In Stock

This unique figurine of children playing with a fish is not only a beautiful garden figurine, but it can also be a piece of a fountain. The figure made of high-quality architectural concrete, patinated by hand, is resistant to weather conditions. Ideal for the garden, terrace, park or hotel.

ANDREA figure

Availability: Out of stock

A miniature figure of Andrea, made of high-class architectural concrete, rubbed with a gray patina to emphasize the figure's shapes. The figure, which is resistant to all weather conditions, can decorate an interior, home garden, terrace or hotel.


Availability: Out of stock

This beautiful figure must stand in your garden! And this is the figure of the biblical Adam - a symbol of victory and just power. The figure is made of high quality concrete on white cement that has been rubbed with a gray patina to highlight the shape of the figure. The product can withstand most weather conditions and is a perfect decoration of a garden.

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Professionalism and competence are the assets of our company in serving each Client. Our Clients' ideas are implemented quickly and efficiently.

Individual approach

We approach each client individually, we try to get to know and realize the visions of all those who want to cooperate with us. The only limit is your imagination!

A wide range of products

We offer not only various decorations for the garden and terrace, but also shaped shrubs and powerful garden bonsai specimens.


We not only sell decorations for green spaces, but also cooperate with landscape architects, gardeners and sculptors.

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Ogród w stylu nowoczesnym - kilka kroków do prostoty i minimalizmu
Ogród w stylu nowoczesnym - kilka kroków do prostoty i minimalizmu
Ogród nowoczesny jest uzupełnieniem nowoczesnego domu. Musi w nim panować minimalizm, ład, porządek, estetyka i harmonia. Charakterystyczne są proste, wyraziste formy geometryczne (takie jak prostokąty, trójkąty, koła czy kwadraty), minimalistyczny dobór kolorów oraz nowoczesne rozwiązania dekoratorskie.
Przygotowanie fontanny ogrodowej na zimę
Przygotowanie fontanny ogrodowej na zimę
Jak przygotować ogród na zimę? Jak zabezpieczyć fontannę ogrodową na czas zimy? W tym krótkim wpisie dowiesz się, co należy zrobić, aby fontanna ogrodowa przetrwała wiele sezonów, nie tracąc swoich walorów estetycznych.
Ogród japoński – 5 kroków do harmonii z naturą
Ogród japoński – 5 kroków do harmonii z naturą
Ogrody japońskie charakteryzuje prostota i elegancja. Podkreślają harmonijne piękno natury, służą kontemplacji i dążeniu do równowagi. Namiastkę ogrodu w japońskim stylu możemy stworzyć również w Polskich realiach: w przydomowym ogrodzie albo na zielonym tarasie.
4 rodzaje fontann, które zmienią oblicze Twojego ogrodu
4 rodzaje fontann, które zmienią oblicze Twojego ogrodu
Piękny, zadbany ogród jest wizytówką każdego domu. A jak uczynić go wyjątkowym miejscem? Na wiele sposobów - nawet najskromniejsza dekoracja może znacząco odmienić wygląd Twojego ogrodu i sprawić, że będziesz stale uciekać myślami do wypoczynku w Twoim zielonym zakątku.Wśród dekoracji ogrodowych przodują ozdoby wodne – fontanny.

This won't be an ordinary shopping trip - this could be the beginning of your new passion!

It has long been known that contact with nature harmonizes and allows you to slow down, which is very desirable for many people these days. It is not without reason that it is said that a garden can be a reflection of a person's soul. Our goal is to bring you closer to creating your dream green corner, which can be not only a garden, but also a terrace or even a small balcony. Even the most modest decoration can significantly change the appearance of your garden and make you constantly escape in your thoughts to rest in your green privacy.

If you have the opportunity to create such a place, do not wait, just take appropriate actions. The investment related to these actions will be one of the best, one that will provide many benefits that are not measured in money.

We can breathe soul into stone - enchant your garden with us!

Sometimes it takes very little to create a place full of magic and unique atmosphere from a seemingly ordinary garden. We have an effective patent for this: using in your space elements of small architecture that have a decorative function: figures, sculptures, flowerpots, garden fountains, birdbaths, Japanese lamps and pagodas, garden furniture. We choose the items we offer with the utmost care so that they become a source of joy and serve as long as possible.

Our pride is also trees and shrubs shaped and garden bonsai shaped on the basis of various varieties of pines, junipers, boxwoods - and more. A powerful bonsai specimen will add dignity and elegance to any environment.

Let yourself be drawn into the magical world enchanted in stone and feel the added value!