Fontana della piscina con testa di leone

6.097,56 zł

Striking classic fountain with the effect of water overflowing from the lions' heads, from the highest to the lowest bowl. This fountain is a great choice for decorating gardens, parks, hotels,
Wedding houses and other public spaces. It will impress everyone!

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Fontana della piscina con testa di leone

Fontana della piscina con testa di leone

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The water circulates in a closed circuit, which makes operation more pleasant. So all you have to do is top up water every now and then, which evaporates on hot days.

The set contains a separate pump and an assembly adhesive to permanently connect individual parts of the well. To select a pump, please send a message - we will be happy to help.

Included in the price:
- All components of the fountain (leg, plate, stand, figure) from the manufacturer, fully adapted for self-assembly
- Pallet protected against transport damage with shrink film (for online orders)
- assembly instructions.

The appearance of the architectural concrete goods may differ slightly from that shown in the pictures. The technical specifications of the products come from the manufacturers. Each product is made to order and patinated by hand in a selected color to highlight the shapes and convexities.


Scheda tecnica

1940 kg
210 cm
ø 245 cm
ø 115 cm
ø 68 cm

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Fontana - Peonia

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Bucket - garden pot

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Availability: Out of stock

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NEL garden pot

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Fontana del parco con putti

4.869,92 zł
Availability: Out of stock

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coniglietto 2

29,27 zł
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Availability: 8 In Stock

Wspaniała figurka ceramiczna przedstawiająca dziewczynkę trzymającą choinkę. Lekko poprószona sztucznym śniegiem ozdoba w zimowym klimacie. Doskonale wypełni wybraną przez Ciebie przestrzeń dodając jej świątecznego charakteru. Urokliwy wygląd dekoracji z pewnością przyciągnie uwagę nie tylko wszystkich domowników, ale także i gości. Rewelacyjna dekoracja na święta Bożego Narodzenia!!!

Greek woman with two amphoras

548,78 zł
Availability: 3 In Stock

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Leone in una corona - vaso di fiori

260,16 zł
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A dignified musketeer

1.097,56 zł
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341,46 zł
Availability: Out of stock

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Ptaszek ceramiczny 3

55,28 zł
Availability: 2 In Stock

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