Naked little woman

203,25 zł

The nude of a woman is a fascinating decoration for art lovers. It shows the figure of a woman posing in all her glory. The sculpture was made of weatherproof architectural concrete and can be an original decoration both outside and inside a room, e.g. B. in a hotel, a spa or a garden.

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Naked little woman

Naked little woman

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The appearance of architectural concrete products may differ from that shown in the picture, depending on the technical specifications of the manufacturers' products. Each product is made to order and patinated in the selected color.


Scheda tecnica

16 kg
80 cm
Diametro della base
20 cm

Potrebbe anche piacerti

Eva con una mela

447,15 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Questa bellissima figura deve stare nel tuo giardino! È una figura realizzata in cemento bianco di alta qualità, strofinato con patina grigia per enfatizzare le forme della figura. La figura è resistente a tutte le condizioni atmosferiche. Può essere una bellissima decorazione per il giardino di casa, spazi pubblici, hotel. 

Female nude

288,62 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Beauty and a classic in itself! A sculpture of a naked womanmade of high quality white concrete, patinated by hand to highlight the outline of the figure, is a decoration of a garden, interior or public space and is weather resistant.

Naked laundress

869,92 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Beautiful figure of a half-naked slim woman pouring water. Made of weatherproof concrete, it is a great decoration for a pond, garden, park, restaurant or wedding house. It will create an unconventional element of beauty in your space.

Goldilocks wrapped in a robe

1.097,56 zł
Availability: Out of stock

This beautiful and carefully made figure of a half-naked woman will wonderfully decorate your garden. A young lady with wonderful shapes, wrapped in a robe, was made of high-class architectural concrete. The figure is resistant to all weather conditions. It can be a beautiful decoration for a home garden, public spaces, hotels, parks

Availability: Out of stock

This carefully made figure of a half-naked woman, holding a decorative wreath in her left hand, will wonderfully decorate your garden. The figure was made of weatherproof architectural concrete and is a beautiful decoration for a home garden, public spaces, hotels, parks and wedding houses.

Liberated woman 44 cm

226,83 zł
Availability: 1 In Stock

The nude of a woman is a fascinating decoration for modern art lovers. It shows the figure of a woman posing in all her glory. The sculpture was made of weatherproof architectural concrete and can be an original decoration both outside and inside a room, e.g. B. in a hotel, a spa or a garden.

LAURA Figure

106,50 zł
Availability: Out of stock

A miniature figure modeled on the Venus of Milo standing in the Louvre, made of high-class architectural concrete, rubbed with a gray patina to emphasize the figure's shapes. The figure, which is resistant to all weather conditions, can decorate an interior, home garden, terrace or hotel.

MARIE small figure

78,05 zł
Availability: 2 In Stock

A beautiful figure of woman putting her robe on - it is impossible to pass it indifferently! A romantic sculpture can be the main decoration of a living room - or just a detail. The figure made of high-quality architectural concrete, patinated by hand, is weatherproof.

16 altri prodotti della stessa categoria:

Girl and a cocker spaniel

225,20 zł
Availability: Out of stock

A girl with the pot in her hand and cuddling with a cocker spaniel is a timeless decoration. Figure and flower pot - perfect for a garden, terrace or balcony, were made from weatherproof architectural concrete.


238,21 zł
Availability: Out of stock

The figure of a girl with a finger in her mouth is a great decoration that will delight everyone! This figure was cast from high quality architectural concrete that can withstand most weather conditions. The figure fits perfectly in a garden or a public space. It is possible to buy a boy figurine, which together make a fantastic couple!

Little girl with a teddy bear

121,14 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Figurine of a girl with a teddy bear, made of high-quality patinated architectural concrete, which can withstand most weather conditions.  A beautiful decoration for a home garden, public spaces, parks, hotels or a great gift for loved ones.

David bust on the pedestal

174,80 zł
Availability: Out of stock

David's bust can be an element of home decor, as well as garden or spa salon. This figure is made of high-quality white architectural concrete, which ensures the durability of the figure - it is not afraid of rains, frosts, scorching sun.


934,96 zł
Availability: Out of stock

A beautiful, classic figure of Eurydice, the wife of Orpheus. According to mythology, after her death, Orpheus went to the underworld to rescue her. But he looked back to see Eurydice's face and lost his wife forever. Made from weatherproof architectural concrete, this beautiful sculpture will add dignity to any setting.

Little girl with an umbrella

101,63 zł
Availability: Out of stock

A nice girl holding an umbrella. The figure  were made of weatherproof architectural concrete and patinated. Nice decoration for home gardens, public spaces, parks and hotels.

Little girl Betty

79,67 zł
Availability: Out of stock

The figure of a smiling girl with a bouquet of flowers. A wonderful decoration made of high quality architectural concrete that can withstand most weather conditions, fits perfectly in any surrounding. The figure is patinated by hand to emphasize the shapes.

Availability: Out of stock

A lovely decoration depicting a lovely couple of children sitting on a bench. The reading girl smiles at the boy who is holding the apple. A solid concrete figure that is resistant to frost, sun and rain. It can be a beautiful decoration of a garden, park, restaurant or spacious interior.

It will impress anyone who loves children's characters.

Boy taming a fish - overflow figure

321,14 zł
Availability: Out of stock

This unique figurine of a boy standing on the head of a fish is not only a beautiful garden figurine, but also a fountain. After connecting the pump, the water flows gently out of the fish's mouth. The figure made of high-quality architectural concrete, patinated by hand, is resistant to weather conditions. Ideal for the garden, terrace, park or hotel.

Girl with a rectangular flower pot

378,05 zł
Availability: Out of stock

A great figure of a girl standing over a rectangular pot, which can also be a decoration for a selected floral or plant arrangement. The figure is carefully made of durable architectural concrete, resistant to UV radiation, rain and frost. A beautiful decoration for a home garden, public space, park, restaurant or hotel.

Victoria bust

165,04 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Victoria 's bust can be an element of home decor, as well as garden or spa salon. This figure is made of high-quality white architectural concrete, which ensures the durability of the figure - it is not afraid of rains, frosts, scorching sun.


1.012,20 zł
Availability: Out of stock

A wonderful figure of the mythological Apollo, who is considered the god of beauty, light and life and the patron saint of art and poetry. The figure was made with great care from architectural concrete and is a fantastic decoration for a garden, park, restaurant or other public space.

RAGAZZO - figura di trabocco

88,62 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Questa statuetta unica di un ragazzo è solo una bellissima statuetta da giardino, ma anche una fontana. Dopo aver collegato la pompa, l'acqua esce dolcemente dalla bocca del pesce. La figura in cemento architettonico di alta qualità, patinata a mano, è resistente alle condizioni atmosferiche. Ideale per il giardino, il terrazzo, il parco o l'hotel.

The boy in the hat - autumn

235,77 zł
Availability: Out of stock

The figure of a boy with a bunch of grapes is a decoration that will delight everyone! This figure was cast from architectural concrete that can withstand most weather conditions. The figure fits perfectly in a garden or a public space. It is possible to buy a girl figure, which together make a fantastic couple!

4 pory roku Świetlana -lato

512,20 zł
Availability: Out of stock

The figure was made with great attention to detail, it shows a woman carrying fruit. The decoration comes from the 4 seasons series and symbolizes summer. Made of high quality white concrete that has been hand-patinated to highlight the outline of the figure, it is a decoration of a garden, interior or public space and is weather resistant.

Diana 130 cm

873,98 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Una figura insolita della dea Diana, che porta una faretra con frecce sulla schiena. Nella mitologia era considerata la dea della caccia e della fertilità. Questa bellissima figura decora perfettamente un giardino, un ristorante, uno spazio pubblico o una casa per matrimoni in stile classico. La figura in cemento architettonico di alta qualità è resistente alle intemperie.