Little florist


Nuovo prodotto

The charming florist is a figurine made of high-quality concrete on white cement, rubbed with a gray patina to emphasize the shapes of the figures. A figure that is resistant to all weather conditions, can be a decoration of a home garden, terrace and interior.

Maggiori dettagli

Custom-made product. Delivery time 4-6 weeks.

305,00 zł

296,27 zł per szt.

60 kg
Delivery: 3 to 6 weeks


The appearance of goods made of architectural concrete may slightly differ from that presented in the pictures - the technical specifications of the products come from the manufacturers, each product is made to order and patinated by hand in the selected color.

Scheda tecnica

Peso40 kg
Altezza75 cm
Larghezza e lunghezza22 cm x 22 cm
Diametro della base15 cm


Na razie nie dodano żadnej recenzji.

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Little florist

Little florist

The charming florist is a figurine made of high-quality concrete on white cement, rubbed with a gray patina to emphasize the shapes of the figures. A figure that is resistant to all weather conditions, can be a decoration of a home garden, terrace and interior.
