Aphrodite's Fountain - four seashells

1.280,49 zł

A two-tier fountain where water spills both through the floors and from the four figurines of seashells in the corners. A very interesting form! Garden fountains serve many years, they are a great decoration of gardens, terraces, parks, cafes, restaurants, hotels and other public spaces. They are made of white cement, durable and resistant to weather conditions.

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Aphrodite's Fountain - four seashells

Aphrodite's Fountain - four seashells

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The appearance of the architectural concrete goods may vary slightly from what is shown in the photos - the technical specifications of the products are provided by the manufacturers, each product is made to order and hand-patinated in a selected color to emphasize its shape.


Scheda tecnica

218 kg
160 cm
100 cm
Diametro della base
40 cm

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Seashell fountain with a jug

1.097,56 zł
Availability: Out of stock

A small, cute fountain with water pouring from the jug. It will be an effective complement to a classically decorated garden. It has a double task: it will not only please the eye on summer days, but also add refreshment and freshness. The whole thing is made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).

Fountain - A Woman with a Shell

662,60 zł
Availability: Out of stock

An elegant fountain with water overflowing from a shell held by a woman will be an effective complement to a classically decorated garden. On summer days, it will not only be pleasing to the eye, but also add refreshment and freshness. The whole thing is made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).

Fontana da giardino - Eunice

1.341,46 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Un'elegante fontana con la figura di una bella donna che versa acqua da una brocca. Grande, sarà un complemento efficace per un giardino decorato in stile classico. Nelle giornate estive, non sarà solo piacevole alla vista, ma aggiungerà anche refrigerio e freschezza. Il tutto è realizzato in calcestruzzo architettonico bianco di alta qualità, resistente a tutte le condizioni atmosferiche

ITALIA Allena fontana

3.304,07 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Una fontana da giardino con una bella figura di donna che porta delle brocche - nelle giornate estive non solo delizierà la vista, ma aggiungerà anche ristoro e freschezza. Perfetto da posizionare al centro di un giardino o parco. Il tutto è realizzato in calcestruzzo architettonico di alta qualità, resistente alle condizioni atmosferiche (pioggia, sole, gelo).

NOEMI Shella fountain

1.742,28 zł
Availability: Out of stock

A garden fountain, the color of which you choose! Topped with a figure of a woman with a bowl - is not only an extremely attractive and spectacular decoration, but also water and its soothing noise that soothes our well-being. The whole is made of high quality architectural concrete , which is resistant to weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).

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Availability: Out of stock

A traditional boy with a fish fountain in a classic and timeless style. Water comes out of the figure of a boy with a fish on top and flows down between the bowls. On summer days, it will not only be pleasing to the eye, but also refresh. The whole thing is made of high-quality white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions

Fountain - a girl with a shell

1.097,56 zł
Availability: Out of stock

The original fountain girl with a seashell, with water overflowing through the seashell. Low, it will be an effective complement to a classically decorated garden. It will not only bring joy on hot days, but will also add refreshment and freshness. The whole thing is made of high-quality white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions such as rain, sun or frost.

Castle - Fountain

222,76 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Phenomenal overflow fountain - castle. The water can be connected with a pipe and overflow from the highest tower. It was made with attention to detail from high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions. A beautiful decoration for your home garden, pond or fountain.

Standing Garden Fountain

1.158,54 zł
Availability: Out of stock

This beautiful fountain will be the perfect decoration for gardens decorated in a classic style. On summer days, it will not only be pleasing to the eye, but also add refreshment and freshness. The whole thing is made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).

Fontanna z kulką - wysoka 86cm

455,28 zł
Availability: 1 In Stock

Prosta, klasyczna fontanna z kulką - może być wykorzystana zarówno w ogrodzie, na tarasie, jak i...w domu! We wnętrzu spełni swoją funkcję również jako nawilżacz powietrza. Do wody można dodać kilka kropel olejku eterycznego, dzięki któremu w całym domu będzie unosił się piękny zapach. Fontanna wykonana jest z betonu na białym cemencie, trwała i wytrzymała na warunki atmosferyczne.

Fontanna z Jajkiem

1.260,16 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Fontanna z Jajkiem to kolejna klasyczna fontanna, która doskonale wkomponuje w każdy typ ogrodu! Woda spływa delikatnie ze zdobionego jajka umieszczonego na szczycie i przelewa się pomiędzy misami dodając ochłody w upalne dni. Całość wykonana jest z wysokiej klasy białego betonu architektonicznego, odpornego na wszelkie warunki atmosferyczne takie jak promieniowanie UV, deszcz czy mróz

A seashell fountain with birds

617,89 zł
Availability: Out of stock

An original fountain with water flowing from a shell with birds. Low, it will be an effective complement to a green corner of the garden. Not only will it please the eye on summer days, but it will also add refreshment and freshness. The whole thing is made of high-quality white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).

Availability: Out of stock

Bella ciotola decorata con fiori sormontata da figure di putti che reggono un ombrello. L'acqua scorre dolcemente da sopra l'ombrellone e scorre nella ciotola, creando una sensazione di frescura e freschezza nelle giornate soleggiate. Il tutto è realizzato in cemento architettonico bianco, durevole e resistente a tutti i fattori atmosferici come sole, pioggia o gelo.

Availability: Out of stock
Fontanna tradycyjna – gołąbki na talerzu ze wspaniałym efektem przelewu wody nada elegancji każdemu zielonemu zakątkowi, a w upalne dni nie tylko będzie cieszyć oko, ale również doda ochłody i rześkości. Całość wykonana jest z wysokiej klasy białego betonu architektonicznego, odpornego na wszelkie warunki atmosferyczne takie jak mróz, deszcz, promieniowanie słoneczne

Fontana dell'astrazione - figura

4.227,64 zł
Availability: Out of stock
Una moderna fontana da giardino che mostra una figura futuristica che versa acqua è realizzata in cemento architettonico di alta qualità resistente a tuttele intemperie condizionicome gelo o pioggia. È una proposta ideale per giardini o interni spaziosi arredati in stile moderno. La decorazione si adatterà perfettamente allo spazio intorno ad un hotel o ad un grande spazio pubblico

Garden fountain - cone

280,49 zł
Availability: Out of stock

This small, classic fountain with a cone will not only be pleasing to the eye, but also add refreshment on summer days. It is made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).

Fontanna - prosta szyszka

2.016,26 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Fontanna w klasycznym stylu ozdobiona szyszką wykonana z trwałego, betonu architektonicznego odpornego na wszelkie zjawiska pogodowe. Woda delikatnie wydobywa się z szyszki spływając do położonej poniżej misy. Delikatny szum wody na pewno doda uroku w twoim ogrodzie, zielonym zakątku czy  przestrzeni publicznej, a w upalne dni orzeźwi.Doskonała propozycja dla wszystkich miłośników ozdób z betonu

Fontanna antyczna z kulką

674,80 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Utrzymana w klasycznym, postarzanym, antycznym stylu dwupoziomowa fontanna z dekoracyjną kulą w letnie dni nie tylko będzie cieszyć oko, ale również doda ochłody i rześkości. Ten klasyk nada dostojności każdemu zielonemu kącikowi. Całość wykonana jest z wysokiej klasy białego betonu architektonicznego, odpornego na wszelkie warunki atmosferyczne (deszcz, słońce, mróz).

Seashell fountain with a jug

1.097,56 zł
Availability: Out of stock

A small, cute fountain with water pouring from the jug. It will be an effective complement to a classically decorated garden. It has a double task: it will not only please the eye on summer days, but also add refreshment and freshness. The whole thing is made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).

Fountain The woman with a jug

1.016,26 zł
Availability: Out of stock

A fountain you cannot pass by! In this fountain, water flows decoratively from a jug held by a woman, on summer days it will not only please the eye, but also give you refreshment and freshness. The whole thing is made of high-quality white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). 

Fontanna klasyczna z kulką

1.382,11 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Utrzymana w klasycznym, ponadczasowym stylu dwupoziomowa fontanna z dekoracyjną kulą w letnie dni nie tylko będzie cieszyć oko, ale również doda ochłody i rześkości. Ten klasyk nada dostojności każdemu zielonemu kącikowi. Całość wykonana jest z wysokiej klasy białego betonu architektonicznego, odpornego na wszelkie warunki atmosferyczne (deszcz, słońce, mróz).