Leone con la zampa alzata - a sinistra

377,24 zł

Questa statuetta di leone aggiungerà sicuramente grandezza a qualsiasi ambiente in cui si trova! Il leone alza con dignità la zampa destra, decorando magnificamente i cancelli d'ingresso, l'ingresso della casa, sistema il giardino. È realizzato in cemento architettonico resistente alle intemperie. Questa decorazione offre ai tuoi ospiti un'esperienza visiva indimenticabile!

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Leone con la zampa alzata - a sinistra

Leone con la zampa alzata - a sinistra

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Proponiamo due leoni che possono essere posizionati su entrambi i lati del cancello o dell'ingresso della casa. Se ne viene selezionato solo uno, come puoi sapere qual è quello di destra e quello di sinistra? Mettiti di fronte al punto in cui vuoi posizionare le figure: il leone giusto sarà quello in piedi alla tua destra con la testa rivolta verso di te. Con la sinistra - simile.

L'aspetto dei manufatti architettonici in cemento può variare leggermente rispetto a quello mostrato nelle immagini - le specifiche tecniche dei prodotti provengono dai produttori, ogni prodotto è realizzato su ordinazione e patinato a mano per evidenziarne le forme.


Scheda tecnica

79 kg
68 cm
43 x 28 cm

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Lion - middle right

808,94 zł
Availability: 2 In Stock

This majestic lion figure will definitely add grandeur to any environment it finds itself in! Concrete, sitting lion beautifully decorates entrance gates, fences, entrance to the house, arranges the garden. It is made of concrete on white cement, decorated with a gray patina to emphasize the shape of the figure. This decoration will provide an unforgettable visual experience for your guests!

Lion - middle left

808,94 zł
Availability: 3 In Stock

This majestic lion figure will definitely add grandeur to any environment it finds itself in! Concrete, large, sitting lion beautifully decorates entrance gates, fences, entrance to the house, arranges the garden. It is made of concrete on white cement, decorated with a gray patina to emphasize the shape of the figure. This decoration will provide an unforgettable visual experience for your guests

Availability: Out of stock

Questa statuetta di leone aggiungerà sicuramente grandezza a qualsiasi ambiente in cui si trova! Il leone alza con dignità la zampa destra, decorando magnificamente i cancelli d'ingresso, l'ingresso della casa, sistema il giardino. È realizzato in cemento architettonico resistente alle intemperie. Questa decorazione offre ai tuoi ospiti un'esperienza visiva indimenticabile!

Big lion - left

2.304,88 zł
Availability: 2 In Stock

This majestic figure of a huge lion will bring honor to any setting. Sitting lion beautifully decorates entrance gates, fences, entrance to the house or the garden. Made of weatherproof architectural concrete and decorated with a gray patina, this decoration offers your guests an unforgettable visual experience!

Big lion - right

2.304,88 zł
Availability: 2 In Stock

This majestic figure of a huge lion will bring honor to any setting. Sitting lion beautifully decorates entrance gates, fences, entrance to the house or the garden. Made of weatherproof architectural concrete and decorated with a gray patina, this decoration offers your guests an unforgettable visual experience!

A resting lion

120,33 zł
Availability: 1 In Stock

A resting lion is a small figure that will give dignity to any environment. The decoration will beautifully decorate entrance gates, fences, the entrance to the house and the garden. It is made of concrete on white cement, decorated with a gray patina to emphasize the shapes. The figure is resistant to all weather conditions

Puchar z lwami

512,20 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Dużych rozmiarów donica w kształcie pucharu wykonana z wysokiej klasy białego betonu, odpornego na wszelkie warunki atmosferyczne. Piękny wazon do przydomowego ogrodu ozdobiony klasycznymi lwami. Doskonale ozdobi wszystkie kompozycje kwiatowe, czy roślinne nadając im specyficznego niecodziennego wyglądu, jednocześnie podkreślając ich piękno.

Wszystkie nasze donice posiadają otwory odpływowe.

Grande leone ambulante - a sinistra

3.573,17 zł
Availability: 1 In Stock

Una bellissima figura maestosa di un enorme leone ambulante che aggiungerà dignità a qualsiasi ambiente! La decorazione decorerà perfettamente i cancelli d'ingresso, le recinzioni, l'ingresso della casa, sistemerà il giardino o lo spazio pubblico. È realizzato in cemento architettonico, decorato con una patina grigia per enfatizzare la forma della figura.

Big Walking Lion - Right

3.573,17 zł
Availability: 1 In Stock

A majestic figure of a great walking lion that adds dignity to any setting! The decoration will perfectly decorate entrance gates, fences, entrance to the garden, house or public space. It is made of white concrete that has been rubbed with a gray patina to emphasize the shapes. It will make a great impression on your guests.

Bas-relief large lion with a mane

621,95 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Ein Basrelief eines würdigen Löwen, das auch als Wandbrunnen verwendet werden kann. Das Wasser kann mit einem Schlauch verbunden werden und durch den Wasserspeier laufen. Es besteht aus hochwertigem weißem Architekturbeton, der allen Wetterbedingungen standhält. Eine schöne Dekoration für den Garten

Lion Gargoyle

113,82 zł
Availability: 3 In Stock

A bas-relief of a dignified lion, which can also be used as a wall fountain. The water can be connected with a hose and overflow through the gargoyle. It is made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions. A beautiful decoration for the garden

Lying lion - small

252,03 zł
Availability: Out of stock

The figure of a lying lion will give dignity to any environment. A concrete, lying lion will beautifully decorate the entrance gate or the entrance to the house. It is made of concrete on white cement, decorated with a gray patina to emphasize the shape of the figure. This decoration will give your guests an unforgettable visual experience!

Lion 3 - middle right

253,66 zł
Availability: Out of stock

This majestic lion figure will definitely add grandeur to any environment it finds itself in! Concrete, large, sitting lion beautifully decorates entrance gates, fences, entrance to the house, arranges the garden. It is made of concrete on white cement, decorated with a gray patina to emphasize the shape of the figure. This decoration will provide an unforgettable visual experience for your guests

Leone 3 - a sinistra

253,66 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Questa maestosa figura di leone aggiungerà sicuramente grandiosità a qualsiasi ambiente in cui si troverà! Il leone concreto, grande e seduto decora magnificamente i cancelli d'ingresso, le recinzioni, l'ingresso della casa, organizza il giardino. È realizzato in cemento su cemento bianco, decorato con una patina grigia per enfatizzare la forma della figura. 

The dignified lion

219,51 zł
Availability: 1 In Stock

This majestic lion figure will definitely add grandeur to any environment it finds itself in! Concrete, large, sitting lion beautifully decorates entrance gates, fences, entrance to the house, arranges the garden. It is made of concrete on white cement, decorated with a gray patina to emphasize the shape of the figure. This decoration will provide an unforgettable visual experience for your guests

Lying lion - left

739,84 zł
Availability: Out of stock

The figure of a lying lion will give dignity to any environment. A concrete, lying lion will beautifully decorate the entrance gate or the entrance to the house. It is made of concrete on white cement, decorated with a gray patina to emphasize the shape of the figure. This decoration will give your guests an unforgettable visual experience!

Lying lion - right

739,84 zł
Availability: Out of stock

The figure of a lying lion will give dignity to any environment. A concrete, lying lion will beautifully decorate the entrance gate or the entrance to the house. It is made of concrete on white cement, decorated with a gray patina to emphasize the shape of the figure. This decoration will give your guests an unforgettable visual experience!

Lying lion - right

292,68 zł
Availability: Out of stock

The figure of a lying lion will give dignity to any environment. A concrete, lying lion will beautifully decorate the entrance gate or the entrance to the house. It is made of concrete on white cement, decorated with a gray patina to emphasize the shape of the figure. This decoration will give your guests an unforgettable visual experience!

Leone seduto con scudo - a sinistra

252,03 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Questa maestosa figura di leone appoggiato a uno scudo donerà dignità a qualsiasi ambiente. Il leone seduto in cemento decorerà magnificamente il cancello d'ingresso o l'ingresso della casa. È realizzato in cemento su cemento bianco, decorato con una patina grigia per enfatizzare la forma della figura. Questa decorazione regalerà ai tuoi ospiti un'esperienza visiva indimenticabile!

Walking Lion

853,66 zł
Availability: Out of stock

A beautiful majestic figure of a walking lion that will add dignity to any environment! The decoration will perfectly decorate entrance gates, fences, entrance to the house, arrange the garden or public space. It is made of architectural concrete, decorated with a gray patina to emphasize the shape of the figure. It will surely make a great impression on the guests of your property! 

Column with lion heads

410,57 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Classic decorative column with lion heads. It can be used not only as an ornament to emphasize a figure or sculpture, but also as an independent decorative element. The simple layout of the pedestal will perfectly arrange your green corner. This column is made of high-quality architectural concrete, resistant to difficult weather conditions.

Lying lion - left

292,68 zł
Availability: Out of stock

The figure of a lying lion will give dignity to any environment. A concrete, lying lion will beautifully decorate the entrance gate or the entrance to the house. It is made of concrete on white cement, decorated with a gray patina to emphasize the shape of the figure. This decoration will give your guests an unforgettable visual experience!

Leone seduto 62 cm

304,88 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Questa maestosa figura di leone aggiungerà sicuramente grandiosità a qualsiasi ambiente in cui si troverà! Il leone concreto, grande e seduto decora magnificamente i cancelli d'ingresso, le recinzioni, l'ingresso della casa, organizza il giardino. È realizzato in cemento su cemento bianco, decorato con una patina grigia per enfatizzare la forma della figura. 

16 altri prodotti della stessa categoria:

Availability: Out of stock

The figure of three frogs, walking one after the other, is a funny decoration and at the same time an overflow figurine - from the mouth of the largest frog, after installing the appropriate pump, water will flow as a slow stream. A perfect decoration for your pond! The figurine is made of high-quality white architectural concrete, resistant to harsh weather conditions.

A shoe with a dog

36,59 zł
Availability: 6 In Stock

A small shoe with a dog climbing on it - a very charming flowerpot. The figure is made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). Beautiful decoration of the home garden, terrace, window sill.

Cocker spaniel with a ball

73,17 zł
Availability: Out of stock

A nice sitting cocker spaniel that will win the heart of every guest of your garden! The figure is made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). A beautiful decoration for a home garden, public spaces, parks, hotels.

Big lion - left

2.304,88 zł
Availability: 2 In Stock

This majestic figure of a huge lion will bring honor to any setting. Sitting lion beautifully decorates entrance gates, fences, entrance to the house or the garden. Made of weatherproof architectural concrete and decorated with a gray patina, this decoration offers your guests an unforgettable visual experience!

Canguro - portaombrelli

260,16 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Il Canguro porterà un sorriso a ogni visitatore del giardino! La figura del cane è realizzata in cemento bianco di alta qualità, resistente a tutte le condizioni atmosferiche (pioggia, sole, gelo). Bellissima decorazione per giardini domestici, spazi pubblici, parchi e hotel. O magari come regalo per una persona cara?

Bulldog Cowboy

182,11 zł
Availability: Out of stock

A nice, fat bulldog in a cowboy hat will make every garden guest smile! The figure is made of high-class architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions. A beautiful decoration for a home garden, public spaces, parks, hotels. Or maybe as a gift for a loved one?

A duck washing its tail

104,88 zł
Availability: Out of stock

A figure of a duck with spread wings will beautifully decorate any garden! The sculpture is made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to harsh weather conditions. Original decoration for a home garden, public spaces, parks, hotels.

Lion 3 - middle right

253,66 zł
Availability: Out of stock

This majestic lion figure will definitely add grandeur to any environment it finds itself in! Concrete, large, sitting lion beautifully decorates entrance gates, fences, entrance to the house, arranges the garden. It is made of concrete on white cement, decorated with a gray patina to emphasize the shape of the figure. This decoration will provide an unforgettable visual experience for your guests

Piccolo cane mastino in piedi

76,42 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Un cagnolino incantato nella pietra è una decorazione che non può essere ignorata! La figura è realizzata in cemento architettonico bianco di alta qualità, resistente a tutte le condizioni atmosferiche (pioggia, sole, gelo). Bellissima decorazione per giardini domestici, spazi pubblici, parchi e hotel.

Cavallo nano

218,70 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Una figura di un Cavallo nano realizzata con aggregato di altissima qualità, resistente a tutte le condizioni meteorologiche avverse. Sicuramente una bella decorazione per il giardino di casa, spazi pubblici, parchi, hotel: donerà dignità ad ogni angolo verde.

Turtle on a stump

34,96 zł
Availability: 4 In Stock

A Turtle on a stump turned into stone! The figure is made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). Original decoration for a home garden, public spaces, parks, hotels.

Mole in a helmet

34,96 zł
Availability: 2 In Stock

Beloved and adored by children, a mole, turned into stone! The funny figurine of a hedgehog in a helmet is made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). Original decoration of a home garden, public space, playgrounds.

Kicek the rabbit

72,36 zł
Availability: 2 In Stock

Kicek the Rabbit is a cute figurine that will decorate any interior. It is also a great gift idea. The figure is made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).

Cane terrier scozzese

73,17 zł
Availability: Out of stock

Un cagnolino incantato nella pietra è una decorazione che non può essere ignorata! La figura è realizzata in cemento architettonico bianco di alta qualità, resistente a tutte le condizioni atmosferiche (pioggia, sole, gelo). Bellissima decorazione per giardini domestici, spazi pubblici, parchi e hotel.

A duck washing its wing

104,88 zł
Availability: 2 In Stock

A figure of a duck washing its wing will beautifully decorate any garden! The sculpture is made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to harsh weather conditions. Original decoration for a home garden, public spaces, parks, hotels.

Sparrow in pants

66,67 zł
Availability: 2 In Stock

This figurine can be used to decorate not only a garden or terrace, but also an apartment. A beautiful sparrowfigurine will give each green corner a homely character. The bird is made of high-quality white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). The figurine is patinated to emphasize the shape of the bird.