Hedgehog on alert

147,97 zł

Beloved and adored by children, hedgehog on alert, turned into stone! The figure of the hedgehog is made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). Original decoration for a home garden, public spaces, parks, hotels.

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Hedgehog on alert

Hedgehog on alert

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The appearance of the architectural concrete goods may differ slightly from that shown in the photos. The technical specifications of the products come from the manufacturers. Each product is made to order and hand patinated in a selected color to highlight its shape.

1 Articolo

Scheda tecnica

15 kg
30 cm
14x16 cm

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Mother Fox with the cubs Young

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The mother fox and the hiding young foxes fit perfectly into any green corner, so they can be a gift for a loved one. The figure is made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).

Sleeping hedgehog

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A beautiful cobra turned into stone! The figure of the snake is made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). Original decoration for a home garden, public spaces, parks, hotels.

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La figura è realizzata in cemento bianco di alta qualità, resistente a tutte le condizioni atmosferiche (pioggia, sole, gelo). Bellissima decorazione per il giardino di casa, spazi pubblici, parchi, hotel.

Żółw 2

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Żółw do pokochania! Idealnie się wkomponuje w okolice oczek wodnych czy piaskownic dla dzieci. Figura żółwia wykonana jest z wysokiej klasy białego betonu architektonicznego, odpornego na wszelkie warunki atmosferyczne (deszcz, słońce, mróz). Figurka betonowa w odróżnieniu od ceramiki nie pęka, od gipsu - jest odporna na wodę, od plastiku - nic się nie łuszczy, gdyż jest barwiona w masie.

Lying lion - small

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Cane spaniel

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Aquila: nascondiglio

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Availability: 2 In Stock

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Leone seduto 62 cm

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Poidełko Żabka

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Cocker spaniel

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Availability: 1 In Stock

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Availability: Out of stock

The figure of the frog is also an overflow figure - after installing the appropriate pump, water will be liquid from the mouth. A perfect decoration for your pond. The figurine is made of high-quality white architectural concrete, resistant to harsh weather conditions.


52,03 zł
Availability: 2 In Stock

The figure of lovebirds will look phenomenal in a romantic corner, at home or in a gazebo. The figure is made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). Original decoration for a home garden, public spaces, parks, hotels.