![Fontanna Eunika Praczka na kamiennym postumencie Fontanna Eunika Praczka na kamiennym postumencie](https://cadekor.pl/544-home_default/fontana-da-giardino-eunice.jpg)
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![Fontanna Eunika Praczka na kamiennym postumencie Fontanna Eunika Praczka na kamiennym postumencie](https://cadekor.pl/227-home_default/fontana-da-giardino-eunice.jpg)
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![Fontanna Eunika Praczka na kamiennym postumencie Fontanna Eunika Praczka na kamiennym postumencie](https://cadekor.pl/10121-home_default/fontana-da-giardino-eunice.jpg)
![Fontanna Eunika Praczka na kamiennym postumencie Fontanna Eunika Praczka na kamiennym postumencie](https://cadekor.pl/10122-home_default/fontana-da-giardino-eunice.jpg)
Un'elegante fontana con la figura di una bella donna che versa acqua da una brocca. Grande, sarà un complemento efficace per un giardino decorato in stile classico. Nelle giornate estive, non sarà solo piacevole alla vista, ma aggiungerà anche refrigerio e freschezza. Il tutto è realizzato in calcestruzzo architettonico bianco di alta qualità, resistente a tutte le condizioni atmosferiche
L'aspetto dei manufatti architettonici in cemento può variare leggermente rispetto a quello mostrato nelle immagini - le specifiche tecniche dei prodotti provengono dai produttori, ogni prodotto è realizzato su ordinazione e patinato a mano per evidenziarne le forme.
Scheda tecnica
An original, root-shaped fountain that makes an impression! Water cascades through the individual floors. This fountain will add charm to any garden. It is made of high-quality white architectural concrete, resistant to weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).
A small, cute fountain with water pouring from the jug. It will be an effective complement to a classically decorated garden. It has a double task: it will not only please the eye on summer days, but also add refreshment and freshness. The whole thing is made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).
Niska fontanna z figurą roznegliżowanej kobiety. Woda dekoracyjnie spływa z dzbanka trzymanego przez kobietę, w letnie dni nie tylko będzie cieszyć oko, ale również doda ochłody i rześkości. Dekoracyjna fontanna wykonana jest z wysokiej klasy betonu architektonicznego, odpornego na trudne warunki atmosferyczne. Z pewnością ozdobi każdy zielony zakątek i zwróci na siebie uwagę!
Fontanna Anna Przelewająca wodę to wspaniała propozycja dla miłośników fontann w stylu klasycznym woda wolnym strumieniem leje się z dzbana trzymanego przez postać kobiety. Ta wolnostojąca fontanna w upalne nie tylko będzie cieszyć wszystkie Twoje zmysły, ale również doda ochłody i rześkości. Całość wykonana jest z wysokiej jakości betonu architektonicznego
Wyjątkowo wydajna i niezawodna pompa, idealna do fontann średnich lub małych z rozbudowanym systemem wodnym, i oczek wodnych.
Piękna dwupoziomowa fontanna z zwieńczeniem w postaci chłopca, trzymającego muszlę. Woda wypływająca z muszli, którą trzyma chłopiec spływa do małej, górnej misy. Nadmiar spływającej wody wypływa do dolnej misy, tworząc efekt małych wodospadów. Całość jest wykonana z białego betonu architektonicznego, charakteryzującego się trwałością i odpornością na czynniki atmosferyczne.
Wysoka Fontanna z figurą kobiety z dzbanami to wspaniała propozycja dla miłośników fontann w stylu klasycznym woda wolnym strumieniem leje się z otworów dzbana trzymanego przez postać pięknej kobiety. Przelewająca się pomiędzy misami woda w fontannie w upalne dni doda w twoim ogrodzie uczucia ochłody i rześkości. Całość wykonana jest z trwałegoi betonu architektonicznego odpornego na każdą porę
Tradycyjna fontanna z figurą kobiety z dzbanami to wspaniała propozycja dla miłośników ozdób betonowych. Woda wolnym strumieniem leje się z otworów dzbana trzymanego przez postać pięknej niewiasty. Jeśli chcesz dodać uroku twojej zielonej przestrzeni poprzez lekki szum wody oraz orzeźwienia fontanna ta jest idealną propozycją dla Ciebie! Wykonana z trwałego i odpornego betonu architektonicznego
The classic GRECO Allena is a fountain with the figure of a woman carrying jugs - water is poured from them. The flowing water fills the bowl with a wavy rim that adds charm to the whole.
The presented fountain will undoubtedly be a beautiful decoration for any garden, park, hotel or terrace. The product consists of high quality architectural concrete.
A large and elegant bird drinker made of high quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). They will surely make the winged residents of our garden more comfortable on hot days and allow us to watch them while relaxing.
A ball-shaped garden fountain - small and at the same time effective, it will fit beautifully into any green space! The fountain is made of concrete on white cement, durable and resistant to all weather conditions. A stylish addition to cafe and restaurant gardens, parks and other public places.
Una fontana da giardino sormontata dalla figura di un ragazzo con un corno: nelle giornate estive non solo delizierà la vista, ma aggiungerà anche ristoro e freschezza. Perfetto da posizionare al centro di un giardino o parco. Il tutto è realizzato in calcestruzzo architettonico di alta qualità, resistente alle condizioni atmosferiche (pioggia, sole, gelo).
A two-story garden fountain with a boy figure hugging a fish - a very attractive and eye-catching decoration.
The water is poured from the fish into the wavy bowl, which gives the whole thing charm.
The fountain was made from high quality architectural concrete that is weather resistant (rain, sun, frost).
A high modern cubic fountain with a simple shape, made of durable, weather-resistant sandstone, made with attention to detail. It will be the perfect decoration for a garden decorated in a modern style, as well as a park, restaurant or wedding house. Thanks to the technology used, it will fulfill its function for many years.
The SELENE Noemi fountain is a proposal for a fountain with the figure of a woman holding a jug from which water is poured. A great decoration for a garden, a park, a wedding house or a place in front of the office building. Made with great care, the fountain not only relaxes with the sound of flowing water, but also diversifies the surrounding space.
The product is weatherproof.
Garden sinks are a beautiful and practical element of garden architecture. Use the wall of your home and attach this elegant ALLORA wall-mounted washbasin to it, made of weather-resistant architectural concrete, to it instead of a regular tap. A work area in the garden does not have to be without charm.
NOEMI Ragazzi 2 fountain decorated with a figure of a child with a fish is a beautiful garden decoration. The fountain will surely add charm to the surrounding space, at the same time being an element of refreshment and refreshment in hot days. The whole is made of high-class architectural concrete, resistant to all weather phenomena such as frost, sunlight or rain.
The original fountain girl with a seashell, with water overflowing through the seashell. Low, it will be an effective complement to a classically decorated garden. It will not only bring joy on hot days, but will also add refreshment and freshness. The whole thing is made of high-quality white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions such as rain, sun or frost.
Fontanna Jaś i Małgosia to wspaniała propozycja dla miłośników ozdób ogrodowych. Niezwykłe połączenie pary bawiących się dzieci z fontanną. Wykonana została z betonu architektonicznego i jest odporna na wszelkie warunki pogodowe. Delikatny szum wody i element orzeźwienia w upalne dni sprawi dużo radości wszystkim zwiedzającym twój zielony zakątek, a w szczególności dzieciom.
This beautiful wall fountain will be the perfect decoration for gardens decorated in a classic style. On summer days, it will not only be pleasing to the eye, but also add refreshment and freshness. The whole thing is made of high-class white architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost).
Utrzymana w klasycznym, postarzanym, antycznym stylu dwupoziomowa fontanna z dekoracyjną kulą w letnie dni nie tylko będzie cieszyć oko, ale również doda ochłody i rześkości. Ten klasyk nada dostojności każdemu zielonemu kącikowi. Całość wykonana jest z wysokiej klasy białego betonu architektonicznego, odpornego na wszelkie warunki atmosferyczne (deszcz, słońce, mróz).
The fountain has four bowls with wavy edges, the top is crowned with a pine cone. Classic decoration for a garden, a public space, a restaurant or a green corner.
It relaxes with the sound of water flowing through the bowls, but also cools down on hot days. The product is made of architectural concrete that can withstand all weather conditions.
Fountain basin in the shape of a circle, decorated with flower rosettes. A decorative border is a beautiful decoration of a garden, a public space, a restaurant or a driveway to the property.
The product is made of high quality architectural concrete that is resistant to rain, sun and frost.
Color coatings are resistant to the weather and UV radiation.
The VERONA 2 is a beautiful classic two-tier fountain topped with a lily from which water is poured. Made with great care, it will add dignity to the environment. The flowing water relaxes with its sound. The product is weatherproof (rain, sun, frost).
Bella ciotola decorata con fiori sormontata da figure di putti che reggono un ombrello. L'acqua scorre dolcemente da sopra l'ombrellone e scorre nella ciotola, creando una sensazione di frescura e freschezza nelle giornate soleggiate. Il tutto è realizzato in cemento architettonico bianco, durevole e resistente a tutti i fattori atmosferici come sole, pioggia o gelo.