Lampion wykonany z wysokiej klasy białego betonu, odpornego na trudne warunki atmosferyczne. Nietypowa dekoracja zielonego zakątka. Nie ma nic bardziej przyjemnego niż relaks we własnym pięknym i wypielęgnowanym ogrodzie, przy delikatnym świetle z tego oto lampionu.
Latarnie, latarenki i pagody - skonstruowane tak, że można w nich zastosować oświetlenie z okablowaniem lub zapalić świeczkę.
Wygląd towaru wykonanego z betonu architektonicznego może nieznacznie różnić się od tego prezentowanego na zdjęciach - specyfikacja techniczna produktów pochodzi od producentów, każdy produkt jest wykonywany na zamówienie oraz patynowany ręcznie na wybrany kolor, celem podkreślenia kształtów, wypukłości.
Data sheet
Pagoda japońska o nietypowym, prostym, regularnym kształcie, wykonana z wysokiej klasy białego betonu, odpornego na wszelkie warunki atmosferyczne (deszcz, słońce, mróz). Piękna i oryginalna dekoracja przydomowego ogrodu, tarasu.
Latarnie, latarenki i pagody - skonstruowane tak, że można w nich zastosować oświetlenie z okablowaniem lub zapalić świeczkę.
A beautiful lantern on a column, decorated with a floral ornament, made entirely of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). Beautiful and unusual decoration of the backyard garden, terrace.
Lanterns and pagodas - constructed in such a way that you can use lighting with cabling or light a candle.
A simple Japanese lamp made of high-class white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). Beautiful and unusual decoration of a home garden, cafe, restaurant, park, hotel and other public spaces.
Lanterns, lanterns and pagodas - constructed in such a way that you can use lighting with cabling or light a candle.
A small pagoda with openwork windows and a spacious roof made of high-quality concrete, resistant to difficult weather conditions. The original decoration of an oriental garden will certainly add charm to the surroundings in which it appears. An excellent decoration for a garden, park or public space
A Japanese pagoda made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). Beautiful and unusual decoration for a home garden, public spaces, parks, hotels.
Lanterns, lanterns and pagodas - constructed in such a way that you can install lighting with cabling or light a candle.
Classic, large-sized lantern made of high-class white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). Beautiful decoration for home garden, public spaces, parks, hotels.
Lanterns, lanterns and pagodas -structured so that you can install cabled lighting or light a candle.
Piękna, solidna lampa, wykonana z wysokiej klasy betonu architektonicznego. Inspirowana stylem japońskim, ozdobiona z niezwykłą starannością. Będzie stanowić nietypowy i luksusowy dodatek do zielonej przestrzeni koło domu. Po włożeniu do jej środka świeczki, pozwoli zbudować odpowiedni nastrój w letni wieczór.
Japanese pagoda with a round window, made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). A beautiful and unusual decoration for a home garden.
Lanterns, lanterns and pagodas - constructed in such a way that you can use lighting with cabling or light a candle.
Japanese lamp made of high-class white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). A beautiful and unusual decoration for a home garden, cafe, restaurant, park, hotel and other public spaces.
Lanterns, lanterns and pagodas - constructed in such a way that you can use lighting with cabling or light a candle.
The crooked cottage lamp is solidly made of high-class architectural concrete, resistant to all weather conditions. A beautiful and unusual decoration for a home garden, cafe, restaurant, park, hotel and other public spaces.
Lanterns, lanterns and pagodas - constructed in such a way that you can use lighting with cabling or light a candle.
Japanese square lamp, made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). A beautiful and unusual decoration for a home garden, cafe, restaurant, park, hotel and other public spaces.
Lanterns and pagodas - constructed in such a way that you can use lighting with cabling or light a candle.
Lamp on a curved base made of high quality architectural concrete, resistant to harsh weather conditions. The original decoration stands on a base that imitates stone. The whole, richly decorated, will surely add charm to the setting in which it appears. An excellent decoration for a garden, park or public space.
A characteristic Japanese lamp standing on three legs, made of high-class white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). Beautiful and unusual decoration of the backyard garden and terrace.
Lanterns, lanterns and pagodas - constructed in such a way that you can use lighting with cabling or light a candle
Piękna, zdobiona i prosta lampa wykonana została z wysokiej klasy betonu architektonicznego, odpornego na wszelkie warunki pogodowe. Ozdobiona z niezwykłą starannością nietypowa dekoracja przydomowego ogrodu, kawiarni, parku, hotelu czy przestrzeni użyteczności publicznej.
Latarnie, latarenki i pagody - skonstruowane tak, że można w nich zastosować oświetlenie z okablowaniem lub zapalić świeczkę.
A soaring Japanese pagoda made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). A beautiful and unusual decoration for a home garden, cafe, restaurant, park, hotel and other public spaces.
A huge openwork goblet-shaped lantern with a lid. Made entirely of high-quality white concrete, with a delicate patina, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). Beautiful and original decoration of the home garden, terrace or driveway.
Japanese pagoda with a round roof, made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). Beautiful and unusual decoration for home gardens, cafes, restaurants and other public spaces.
Lanterns, lanterns and pagodas - constructed in such a way that you can use lighting with cabling or light a candle.
The highest five-story Japanese pagoda in our store is made of high-quality white concrete, resistant to all weather conditions (rain, sun, frost). Beautiful and unusual decoration of the backyard garden, terrace.
Lanterns and pagodas - constructed in such a way that they can be lit with cabling or lit a candle.
Classic lantern made of high-quality weather-resistant architectural concrete. A very original decoration of a green corner.
There is nothing better than relaxing in your own beautiful and well-tended garden. You can rest by lighting your garden or terrace!